Current filter:
The financial contributions provide for ongoing residential, commercial and industrial development and the new financial contributions spread the upgrading costs more fairly among those who directly benefit from the land development.
The new charges shift some of the cost from the general ratepayer towards 'user-pays' for developers and subdividers. The new charges more accurately reflect the additional costs that development places on the City's infrastructure. The charges will enable the City's community services (libraries, parks, reserves, sportsgrounds) and essential services (sewerage, stormwater, water and roading) to be upgraded to accommodate the additional demand created by development and subdivision.
Financial contributions will be collected:
Financial contributions will also be charged for dwelling units created in commercial and industrial zones.
The contributions do not apply to a supplementary unit/dwelling.
The connection fees for services are additional to these financial contributions.
These charges are subject to adjustment for inflation.
The charges will be adjusted annually on 1 July each year, the adjustment will be in accordance with the Statistics NZ Producers Price Index.
Financial Contributions (Residential) will be assessed as a condition of your resource consent for multi-unit development or for subdivision. The fee must be paid prior to building consent or 224(c) certification for your titles, whichever occurs first
This is a guide to some of the financial contributions set out in the District Plan. Please refer to the District Plan if clarification is required or speak to a consent planner.
Resource Consents, Land Development and Subdivision Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).
Financial Contributions | Fee (incl GST) |
Note: In the District Plan (refer to Rule 65.14) the formula for the increase in Financial Contributions is based on the movement in the Statistics NZ Producers Price Index (PPI) Inputs Table E Index. | |
Infill | Urban (per lot) | $35,383.00 | Urban - Multi-Story (per dwelling unit) | $28,516.00 | Urban - Multi-Story (plus per hectare - Stormwater) | $82,406.00 | Jervoistown: Full urban (per lot) non local off site | $31,178.00 | Jervoistown: Full urban (plus: per lot) local off site | $122,601.00 | Ahuriri (per lot) | $35,383.00 | Ahuriri - Multi-Story (per dwelling unit) | $28,516.00 | Ahuriri - Multi-Story (plus per hectare - Stormwater) | $82,406.00 |
Greenfields | King St / Guppy Rd (per dwelling unit) | $29,732.00 | King St / Guppy Rd (plus per hectare - Stormwater) | $278,534.00 | King St / Guppy Rd (plus per metre Guppy Road frontage - if applicable) | $1,030.00 | King St / Guppy Rd (less: per metre Guppy Road frontage roading structure plan credit - where applicable) | $697.00 | Lagoon Farm (per lot) | $31,872.00 | Mission Heights (per lot) | $27,457.00 | Park Island (per lot) | $32,197.00 | Te Awa (per lot) | $29,518.00 | Te Awa (plus: per hectare) local off site | $705,994.00 | Te Awa (plus: per meter of road frontage - where applicable) | $4,582.00 |
Rural | Poraiti (per lot) | $24,075.00 | Lifestyle Character (per lot) | $29,732.00 | Lifestyle Character: Plus for lots not connected to a stormwater system discharging above the flood detention dam in Kent Terrace | $3,671.00 | All other rural areas including subdistrict rural (per lot) | $25,639.00 | Jervoistown (per lot) non local off site | $25,222.00 | Jervoistown (plus: per lot - road) Applies to the area west of Jervois Road, North of Meeanee Road and South of Burness Road | $10,592.00 | Jervoistown (plus: per lot - stormwater) Applies to those properties that drain to the Upper Purimu Drain | $12,348.00 | Jervoistown (plus: per lot - stormwater) Applies to those properties that drain to the Jervois Drain | $157,047.00 |
Capital Contributions | Bay View Water Supply (per domestic connection) | $4,030.00 |
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz