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E-scooters have rolled into Napier, extending transport options for residents and visitors.

E-scooters in Napier

We have partnered with Beam New Zealand to trial e-scooters in Napier.

E-scooters offer a valuable alternative transport choice for our growing, vibrant and exciting city.  While cars can be a useful way to get around, there is value in having choice, including for short trips.  By supporting public transport, as well as cycles, skateboards, scooters, and mobility scooters we recognize that there are lots of different needs from people trying to move around our city. We see e-scooters as offering a valuable alternative transport choice for our city. The overwhelming majority of e-scooters are used safely, responsibly and considerately, and we expect to see a similar response in our city.  

We expect people will use their common sense when sharing footpaths. Be respectful and remember people of all abilities use these spaces.

Beam Scooters
Beam Scooters
Beam Scooters

Frequently Asked Questions

The operation and management of e-scooter fleets is the responsibility of the company running them. Council’s role is to issue the permits and monitor whether the permit rules are being followed. We'll also be collecting anonymised data to understand how e-scooters are being used in Napier.

Fleet Size

We are undertaking a two-year trial of Beam’s climate neutral scooters, with up to 200 e-scooters made available during the warmer months of the year.

Speed limits

Generally between 15-25 Kmh. But the exact areas are to be confirmed. There will be slow speed zones within the City and suburban Centres. E-scooter users won’t be able to override the speed limits due to automatic e-brakes. These also limit speeds on hills. Outside these GPS-confined zones, where spaces are less crowded, e-scooters will be able to go a little faster, up to 25kmh.

Users are always required to ensure that their speed does not constitute a hazard to other footpath users. Beam will continue to monitor the use of e-scooters and may add further areas to the slow speed zone if appropriate.

Where you can use e-scooters

E-scooters are currently designated by Waka Kotahi as a wheeled recreational device. Under the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, a wheeled recreational device can be used on the footpath provided it is operated in a careful and considerate manner, and not at a speed that constitutes a hazard to other users. A person using a wheeled recreational device such as an e-scooter must give way to pedestrians and drivers of mobility devices on the footpath. This applies to shared paths too.

E-scooters can be used on the road, but should keep left.

Personal safety

There is no current legal requirement to wear a helmet while using an e-scooter. Beam will supply helmets on most e-scooters, and where helmets are provided then users are encouraged to wear them.

Council is not responsible for any injury or damage caused by a person using an e-scooter. Any person who suffers a personal injury as a result of an e-scooter should seek medical assistance, and contact beam to claim off beam’s accident insurance on all the scooters.

Community Safety

We have included a number of requirements for Beam to ensure that e-scooters are parked safely and considerately. This includes requiring e-scooters to be parked at a 45-degree angle, and to leave 1.5m of clear, unobstructed footpath width after they are placed. We also require Beam to equip their scooters with a sensor that alerts them when an e-scooter is tipped over so that they can respond quickly and right the scooter.

Beam will also work to manage e-scooters to be parked safely and considerately. This includes requiring users to take a photograph of their parked scooter. Beam will vet these photographs and can reward users for good parking, or suspend user accounts for repeated poor parking. Beam will also incentivise good parking through the use of ride credits for parking in preferred areas, which are less likely to obstruct footpaths.

If you see someone using an e-scooter in a dangerous or inconsiderate way, please contact Beam and/or the Police. The Police are responsible for enforcing all offences involving a moving vehicle, including where they are being used on a footpath.

What is Council's Role?

E-scooter companies operate under permit. This allows us to impose conditions that protect and promote public health and safety.

A key element of this is our ability to regularly review the permit and conditions and make changes as necessary, including cancelling a permit if there are serious or emergency concerns.

Council does not receive any profit from the operation of e-scooters, just as is the case with other mobile traders. We charge a permit fee as set through our Schedule of Fees and Charges. Council is not incurring any direct costs from the trial.

We’ll be collecting data from the operators through a platform supported by Waka Kotahi. This provides us with access to real-time information about any issues arising with e-scooters, as well as anonymized data about how e-scooters are being used. We can use this information to ensure that Beam are following the rules of their permit. We can also incorporate this information into our transport planning so that we better meet the needs of our community both now and in the future.

We’ll also be collecting data on complaints and any other reports of issues or concerns. These may come through to our Call Centre, but may also come directly from the Beam. We’ll use this information to assess how e-scooters are operating in our city. We’ll then be able to make changes as appropriate.

You can contact the Beam New Zealand if you have any questions, complaints or concerns.

For the fastest response time, please visit the Ride Beam Help Page here. There is a webform there to fill in any details. For any enquiries related to a specific e-scooter, using the webform is preferred. This sends automated requests to Beam staff members across the city and will help Beam resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

You can also reach Beam help support operators through both phone and email contacts, or through their app on your smartphone.

You can also find the contact details on the scooters themselves.

Beam Scooters

Phone: 0800 507 676

General concerns

If you have general concerns about e-scooters in Napier, you can contact us directly. We’ll be monitoring this feedback and may use this information to help us make changes as necessary.


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