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Reducing food waste

Love Food Hate Waste

Every time you throw away food you are throwing away money.

That’s just one of the messages from the Love Food, Hate Waste campaign aimed at making more Kiwis stop and think about food waste.

Along with Hawke’s Bay’s other local councils and others around the country, Napier City Council is part of the campaign to reduce food waste, in conjunction with WasteMINZ and Wanaka Wastebusters.

The average family throws away $563 worth of food a year. That’s equivalent to three full shopping trolleys.

The Love Food, Hate Waste campaign aims to help you prevent food waste by educating people on:

  • How to use up leftovers with yummy recipes
  • Planning meals to use up excess food
  • The importance of sticking to a shopping list to prevent buying too much food
  • How to store food correctly to prevent it from going bad

Similar campaigns overseas have resulted in significant reductions in food sent to landfill – by 18% in the UK. Such a reduction in New Zealand would see 46,600 tonnes diverted from landfills annually.

For more information and tips check out the Love Food Hate Waste Facebook page or their website


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