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Rates rebate for low income

You may be eligible for a rates reduction as part of the Government's rate rebate scheme for low income earners.

A rates rebate is a reduction to annual rates for people that own a property.

The amount of the rebate depends on your income, how much you pay in rates, and the number of dependants you have. Your income is based on the tax year ending 31 March and includes your spouse's income. You can make one application per household.

The maximum rebate is $790.

If you qualify for a rates rebate, this will be applied to your rates account. You must pay the remaining instalment balances by the due date. If you have paid your annual rates in full for the current rating year, you can request a refund of your rates rebate.

You can apply for a rates rebate at any time during the rating year you are applying for, but the rebate can’t be backdated for previous rating years.


To check if you are eligible for a rates rebate, use the rates rebate calculator on the NZ Government website.

Retirement villages

Residents of retirement villages can also apply for a rates rebate. If you live in a retirement village, your village manager must complete and sign a declaration form.

Deceased person

Estates of deceased persons may be granted rebates where the deceased person met the normal criteria but died within the current rating year.

The executor/administrator of the estate must be able to complete the application form's declaration, confirming that all the information is true and correct.

A copy of the probate (for an executor) or letter of administration (for an administrator) must be included with the application.

How to apply

Here is an example of the amount of rates rebate you may be entitled to with no dependants:


You can apply for a rebate using the form below.

Rates Rebate Application Form 2024-25

For more information on getting a rates rebate, visit the New Zealand Government website here.


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