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Westshore to Ahuriri Road Realignment

This project is the first step towards creating a new park that will stretch the length of the Pandora Road from the roundabout at Humber Street to the bridge.

All northbound traffic, from between the Humber Street roundabout through to the Westshore side of the bridge, will be moved permanently across to what has been the two southbound lanes. The existing car parks will also be shifted to this side of the bridge.

The realignment creates space for the new recreational area, next to Pandora Pond. It will include a shared pedestrian and cycling pathway, seating and tables.

Landscaping will take place once all the ground work is complete.

New parking bays and traffic safety features are also being added to the no exit end of Humber St at this time.

This new linear park was identified in the Ahuriri Estuary and Coastal Edge Masterplan.





Estimated timeline:

July 2023


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