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Napier Hill Safe Zone

After a major local earthquake resulting in a possible tsunami threat, it is estimated 15,000 people will evacuate up to Napier Hill. Napier Hill is the closest high ground for people in surrounding areas like Napier CBD, Napier South, Te Awa, Marewa, Maraenui, Westshore and Ahuriri.


If there is an imminent tusnami threat, Napier Hill is the closest high ground for people in surrounding suburbs to evacuate to. Many of these evacuees will be non-residents of Napier hill and will arrive with no resources.

Napier Hill residents are in a crucial position to not only be prepared to keep themselves safe, but also consider the safety and wellbeing of others who will evacuate to high ground.

Marine Parade City Ahuriri Jan 2019 4


 Below are some things for you to do and think about:

Make a plan for your household

It is well known that we live in an earthquake-prone part of the world and the big one could be just around the corner. The best thing that you can do is make a plan and be prepared.

There are lots of simple and great resources on the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management website.  We recommend that you use the online planning tool to create a plan for you and your family. If you already have a plan in place, it may be helpful to think back to when you last reviewed it and talk to your family members or neighbours to check if anything has changed since then.

Neighbourhood Support

There are over 50 established Neighbourhood Support groups located on Napier Hill. These groups are run by volunteers and are a platform for neighbours to work together to improve community safety, well-being and preparedness. To join a local support group email or call 06 842 0259. For more info about the organisation go to their Neighbourhood Support New Zealand website.


Being a ‘hill host’ can mean anything from just guiding people to safety and sharing information in an emergency to opening your home and sharing your resources. It is a spectrum – and you can do as much or as little as you are able and willing to do.

We know from past events that communities do help strangers in emergencies. Once you have ensured your safety, below are some ideas that you can consider as a Napier Hill resident about how you could potentially help others in an emergency:

  • Showing the way - There are many pathways to get up the hill to safety. As a Hill Host guide people in the right direction at a time when they are probably lost and flustered.
  • Cook meals - A major emergency could mean that we are without power for days. Cook meals on the barbeque for yourself and others and use the food in your freezer so it doesn’t go to waste.
  • Store a bit extra in your emergency kit - Do you have your emergency kit stocked up for you and your family? Consider adding some extras for evacuees. Blankets, snacks, medical supplies etc – a few extras in your kit could go a long way to help someone in need in an emergency. 
  • Loan your camping gear - If you have camping gear – a tent, sleeping bags etc. - you could loan it out to evacuees to camp in a safe spot or your backyard.
  • Plan with your neighbours - Get together with your neighbours and make a plan about what you could all do together. Do a stock take of what you have to share with each other and evacuees.
  •  Open your home - Make plans to host friends or family who are likely to evacuate to the Hill or let other evacuees use your couch or spare room.



Do you have special skills or experience that could be of great help during a state of emergency? Would you like to become a part of a working group that drives projects for better preparedness on Napier Hill? These could range from resource mapping on the hill, determining placement of water tanks, looking into signage options etc.

If this sounds like something you would like to do, please fill out the form below, and we will get in touch with you.

Follow this link if the form fails to load. online form.

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