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Leased carparksNgā tūnga waka rīhi

Napier City Council offers leased parking at a number of locations within the Napier CBD. We lease car spaces on a monthly basis from Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm. Leased parking is perfect if you need to park in the city all day every day and want a parking spot you can depend on.

Register your interest for a leased carpark

Complete our online form to go on the waiting list to reserve a leased carpark.  Please note that these car parks are in high demand. 


Leased parking locations 

Leased CarparkPhysical LocationTotal Leased Parks
Dalton Street 129 Dalton Street 4
Dickens Street South 206 Dickens Street 16
Edwardes Street 20 Edwardes Street  64
Edwardes Street 27 Edwardes Street 3
Hastings Street 286-292 Hastings Street 34
Raffles Street 74 Raffles Street 14
Station Street 89 Station Street 39
Vautier Street North  93-95 Vautier Street 25
Vautier Street Central  102 Vautier Street 86
Vautier Street South  120 Vautier Street 22
Tiffen Park

131 Tennyson Street and Behind the Municipal Theatre

Please note that the lower and upper levels barrier arms to the car park building are closed daily from 8pm to 5am. When there is an event on at the Municipal Theatre, the closing of the gates will be managed accordingly. For more information please read our FAQs below.


Leased Parking Location Map

Zoom: To use the zoom function, select the + and - controls on the top left-hand corner. 

Pan: To pan around the map, hold down the mouse button and drag in any direction.

Parking Information: For more information about the parking options available, click on the highlighted areas 


Parking Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Parking Fees Fee (incl GST)
Note: Time restrictions may apply
Metered fees (per hour)$2.00 
Discounted Daily rate at specified car parks$7.00 
Leased Parking fees
Dalton Street Leased car parking (per week)$48.00 
Dickens Street South Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Edwardes Street Leased car parking (per week)$24.00 
Hastings Street Leased car parking (per week)$48.00 
Herschell Street Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Raffles Street Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Station Street Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Tiffen Park Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Vautier Street Central Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Vautier Street North Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 
Vautier Street South Leased car parking (per week)$40.00 

Cancel your Lease Agreement 

One month’s notice is required in writing to terminate a leased carpark agreement.  Once we have received this, we will inform you of the termination date once we have processed your application.



If you need to make any changes to your personal details, address, home number, bank account or email address, please send an email to and ensure you include you leased carpark location.  

One month’s notice is required in writing to terminate a leased carpark agreement. 

Please email and advise you would like your name removed from the waiting list. 

We have a number of people on the waiting list and vacancies are determinate by people terminating their lease agreement. We are unable to specify a timeframe as some of our lease locations are in higher demand than others.

If someone is parked in your leased carpark, please contact the Customer Service Team on 835 7579 and advise them of the following:

  • your contact details 
  • your vehicles licence plate number 
  • the location name and number of your leased carpark 
  • the details of the offending vehicle i.e. licence plate number, make and colour of the vehicle. 

You can then park in the nearest legal park without paying, ideally on-street outside the leased carpark or in the nearest off-street Pay and Display Carpark (we need to know where exactly you have parked so we don't infringe your vehicle).

From Monday 19th December 2022 the lower and upper level barrier arms were closed daily from 8pm to 5am. 
When there is an event on at the Municipal Theatre, the closing of the gates will be managed accordingly. 

The decision was made to close the building at night to control noise issues, litter and anti-social behaviour.  Council will continue to monitor this area to ensure public safety and support the local businesses.

Please call the Napier City Council on 068357579.  The call will divert to the afterhours service and they will notify the contractor to arrange the vehicle to be released.  A call-out fee will apply.


Napier City Council - Copyright © 2025 Napier City Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Napier City Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Napier City Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Napier City Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Napier City Council - / +64 6 835 7579 /