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If you are considering putting up an advertising sign or device alongside a state highway there are a number of factors to consider. You will need to talk to someone from your local NZTA office and/or local authority.
NZTA has the job of providing safe and efficient sate highways, which meet the needs of road users and communities.
Signs can have adverse effects on the safety and efficiency of highways if they are poorly located, distract drivers' attention or restrict visibility. Signs may also have an adverse effect on the environment. NZTA seeks to reduce such possible effects.
An advertising sign or device is any sign, placard, handbill, writing, picture, painting, engraving, carving, blimp, laser display, tri-vision device or any other device for attracting the attention of passers-by.
This sign or device might be fixed to, incorporated in, or painted on any building, parked vehicle or trailer, post or any other structure.
This sign may be permanent or temporary.
Includes the road and the roadside area - usually between fence lines. Advertising signs within the state highway reserve are controlled through the NZTA Signs on State Highways Bylaw 1987/3. This bylaw does not apply to areas within a 50km/h speed restriction unless the local authority has adopted the bylaw. Contact your local authority to check.
The following technical requirements for signs on or adjacent to State Highways help NZTA provide and maintain safe and efficient highways for all road users:
The Sign Itself - The sign should
Location of the Sign - The sign shall
Please contact your local NZTA Office for further information
The following Land Transport Safety Authority technical publications can also be used when assessing the suitability of a sign:
This information is not intended to cover all aspects of advertising signs, but is should answer many of your questions. For further details contact your nearest NZTA office.
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz