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Requesting a LIM ReportTe tono pūrongo LIM

A LIM is a document that provides all information held by NCC on a specific property regarding the land in question. It is recommended you obtain a LIM for any property you’re looking to purchase as it could influence your decision to buy.

What is a Land Information Memorandum (LIM)?

A Land Information Memorandum is a report prepared by Council at your request. It provides information relating to:

  • Special land features or characteristics including potential erosion, avulsion (removal of land by water action), falling debris, subsidence / slippage, alluvion (deposit of silt from flooding), inundation (flooding) and the presence of contaminants relevant to land and known to Council
  • Private and public stormwater and sewerage drains as recorded by Council
  • Rating information including any arrears owing
  • Consents, certificates or notices, orders or requisitions affecting the land or any buildings on the land previously issued by Council under the Building Act 1991, the Building Act 2004 or any other Act
  • Certificates issued by a Building Certifier pursuant to the Building Act 1991 or the Building Act 2004
  • Land use information and conditions attached to use
  • Information from any statutory organisation (i.e. Heritage New Zealand or Department of Conservation) which has the power to classify land or buildings for any purpose
  • Network Utility Operator notifications under the Building Act 1991 or the Building Act 2004
  • Placards from rapid building assessments following an event where a state of emergency or designation was in place

The LIM may also include:

Any other information concerning the land which the Council considers, at its discretion to be relevant.

When should I obtain a LIM?

If you are considering purchasing a property in the Napier City area it is recommended that you obtain a LIM prior to completing the purchase.

A LIM can be very useful in deciding if the property is worth purchasing, free from any restrictions and whether the intended use of the land is permitted.

How do I obtain a LIM?

LIM application forms are available at the Napier City Council Customer Service Centre, on this page under 'Related Documents' or you can click ‘REQUEST A LIM ONLINE’ below. We will complete the reporting process and you will receive the final LIM report within 10 working days of receiving the application.

Request a LIM Online

Please ensure all information requested in the application form is included to help us process and return the memorandum to you as quickly as possible. LIM reports will not begin processing until payment is received. 

Property Searches

It is also advisable to carry out a property search of Council records. The LIM includes all information known to Council. A visual check of the approved plans held in the property File can sometimes reveal unauthorised works.

These works need to be identified and assessed as being safe, sanitary and complying with the Resource Management Act before you finalise your purchase.

What a LIM does not cover

A LIM does not cover:

  • Any development works undertaken without Council knowledge or consent.
  • A full and comprehensive outline of development restrictions applying to a site.
  • A site visit to the property.

Please Note:

A LIM is not a comprehensive assessment of a property. It only serves to document what information Council has about the property at the time the LIM is prepared. It is essential that if you have any doubts about a site, you employ a relevant independent consultant.

Application procedure for a LIM

  • Administration Staff prepare the file and check rating information to verify Lot and DP number
  • Planner completes information relating to the District Plan and Resource Management Act
  • Plumbing and Drainage Check
  • Building Inspectors Check
  • Development Engineer check for Geotechnical information and Council Services
  • Environmental Health check, Swimming Pool Register and Licences registered with the Property
  • Regulatory Administrator prepares LIM for issue.

Resource Consents, Land Development and Subdivision

Resource Consents, Land Development and Subdivision Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Land Information Memorandum Fee (incl GST)
Residential and Rural$380.00 
Commercial and Industrial$567.00 


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While every endeavour has been taken by the Napier City Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Napier City Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Napier City Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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