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Spriggs Park Playground

Spriggs Park Reserve Playground

Playground at Spriggs Park.

Spriggs Park playground is a large playground which has much to offer children and families of all ages. The park is divided into two areas , one for younger and the other for older children. The equipment is modern, challenging and fun for the relevant ages.

Located at Spriggs Park on Hardinge Road the playground is flanked by a multitude of activities and cafes. The beach is a stone-throw away and a great place to take children for a swim, paddle or play in the sand.

Picnic tables and a shade area are near by and the Rotary Pathway runs along beside the playground, so bring your scooters and bikes for a ride after a play at the park.

The Spriggs Park Pavillion, which was completed in December 2015, provides:

  • Three toilets
  • One parenting room
  • Two changing rooms
  • Three outdoor showers
  • One drinking fountain

Not far down the road is the rocky shore and if you time your visit at low tide you can take your family down to explore the small creatures of the sea that live there.

Spriggs Park Reserve Playground has the following equipment.

  • Carousel Roundabout
  • Multi Combination Unit
  • Swings x4
  • Swings x2
  • See-Saw x2
  • Merry-Go-Round
  • Turnspike Roundabout
  • Tube Slide


Spriggs Park Playground Location Map

Hardinge Road


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