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Year | Date & Month | Event |
1858 | European settlement in the Greenmeadows-Taradale area began. | |
1860 | First house was built in the district by Henry Alley. | |
1866 | Presbyterians built Taradale's first church sharing it with the Anglicans until the All Saints' Church was built in 1875. | |
May | Henry Alley subdivided a block of his land into half-acre sections and quarter-acre sections to form a new township, named Taradale. The township played an important part in district transport as it was a starting point for bullock or horse teams on their way to sheepfarming areas - Puketapu, Redclyffe, Tunanui and the Inland Patea. |
1860s | Settlers were given special rating powers to raise money for flood prevention after a number of bad floods during the late 1960s. A dam was constructed and completed by 1879 to block the flood waters of the Tutaekuri River. However, Taradale suffered during the great floods of 1893, 1897 and 1924. Floods remained a danger until the diversion of the Tutaekuri River (1936) and the Ngarururo River (1960s). |
1871 | Manchester Unity was the first society to open in Taradale at the Loyal Meeanee Lodge. | |
1886 | August | A petition was signed by 94 out of 113 householders in favour of Taradale's claim to town district status and four months later Taradale became a town district. |
29 Dec | Taradale's first elections were held. | |
1887 | August | The board raised a loan of £600 (approved by ratepayers two months later) for roads, footpaths and other civic improvements. |
1888 | Methodists opened a church at Greenmeadows. |
Year | Date & Month | Event |
1906 | December | Taradale became an independent town district responsible for all the Hawke's Bay County Council's former liabilities in the area. |
1911 | January | The board raised a loan of £3,000 to pay for a town hall (on a site purchased in September 1906), erected and furnished later that year. |
1916 | The town board received a bequest of £350 to improve Taradale's limited street lighting. | |
1921 | Progressive loan proposals totalling £9,000 being approved allowed for the widening of Gloucester Street (then known as Main Road) from the post office to the Methodist Church at Greenmeadows, the construction of a women's rest, the purchase of part of Taradale Park and the completion of the Taradale and District Soldiers' Memorial 1914-18. | |
The town board also raised loans for housing and electricity supply. Its housing programme began with a loan of £5,000 for workers' dwellings and together with a further amount of £17,200 provided 31 homes. | ||
1923 | The District Soldiers' Memorial was completed and became a well known town landmark. | |
1924 | March | The board raised a loan of £9,000 to finance Taradale's linkage with electricity supplied by the Napier Borough Council's power plant. |
December | Taradale's electricity supply began. | |
1927 | April | Supply remained in the hands of the town board until April 1927 when the HB Electric Power Board acquired the board's plant together with its loan liabilities. |
1931 | The earthquake of 1931 caused a number of buildings to be destroyed among them were the town hall, band rotunda, infants' school, convent, Omarunui Masonic Temple and Taradale Hotel. | |
1932 | April | The town board raised a loan of £2,000 for a new town hall. |
July | New town hall opened. | |
1934 | March | A loan of £1,150 was raised for a building to house town board offices and the library and this building was opened in March 1934. |
Year | Date & Month | Event |
1953 | Taradale was declared a borough. | |
1968 | Taradale Borough merges with Napier City. |
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