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Required Plans

Good plans are central to having a building consent approved. Below are some examples of the plans we see filed with applications. Note, these are examples only, as consents lodged with NCC range widely from minor residential work to large commercial and industrial projects.

Building Consent Required Plans

Below are examples of the plans that are required. You'll see they're different for residential/minor work and commercial/industrial.

Example plans residential/minor work

Location plan

 It need not be to scale

The location plan should show the location of the site in relation to known points.

Example Building Consent Location Plan for Residential/Out Buildings.

Site Plan

Normal Scale is 1:200

The site plan must be drawn to scale and should show all buildings on the site and their relationship to the boundaries. Normal scale is 1:200. We recognise that this is not always possible for building on country properties, please ask the Duty Building Officer what details are required if this is the case with your application. We cannot accept aerial photographs as a site plan.
Example Building Consent Site Plan for Residential/Out Buildings
The floor plan

Scale 1:50 or 1:100

The floor plan should clearly show the rooms on the floor and intended use of that room. Show the fittings within the room such as benches in the kitchen, bath and basin in the bathroom and the position of the pan  in the toilet compartment. Clearly show the type, size and position of bracing in each wall.
 Example Building Consent Floor Plan for Residential/Out Buildings.

 Scale 1:50 or 1:100

Provide elevation of each exterior wall showing all openings and size of the lintel above it. For new dwellings, and substantial additions, a weather-tightness matrix must be supplied for each elevation. This matrix is a scoring system that determines if your choice of exterior cladding needs to have a drained and ventilated cavity behind it or not. A fact sheet on the weather-tight matrix is available on request.
 Example Building Consent Elevations for Residential/Out Buildings.
Cross sections

Scale 1:50

Supply cross sections of the building which clearly show the method of construction, detail of the materials intended to be used and accurately show floor levels and adjacent ground levels.

New building or major extensions

When erecting a new building or a major extension, the following additional information is normally required.

  • Drainage plans for both sewerage and stormwater. Note: If an on-site drainage system is to be installed a resource consent will be required from the Hawke's Bay Regional Council
  • Specifications
  • Full bracing calculations
  • Details of all insulation
  • A penetrometer test confirming ground bearing capacity is sometimes required, check with the Duty Building Officer

Example Plans Commercial/Industrial

Location plan

It need not be to scale.

The location plan should show the location of the site in relation to known points.
 Example Building Consent Location Plan for Commercial/Industrial.
Site plan

Normal scale is 1:200

The site plan must be drawn to scale and should show all buildings on the site and their relationship to the boundaries. Normal scale is 1:200. We recognise that this is not always possible for buildings on country properties, please ask the Duty Building Officer what details are required if this is the case with your application.

Example Building Consent Site Plan for Commercial/Industrial.

The floor plan

 Scale 1:50 or 1:100

The floor plan should clearly show the rooms on the floor and the intended use of that room. Show the fittings within the room such as benches in the smoko room and the position of the basin and pan in the toilet. Access and facilities for people with disabilities must be shown.
 Example Building Consent Floor Plan for Commercial/Industrial.

Scale 1:50 to 1:100

Provide an elevation of each exterior wall showing all openings.
Example Building Consent Elevations for Commercial/Industrial.
Cross sections

Scale 1:50

Supply cross sections of the building which clearly show the method of construction, detail of the materials intended to be used and accurately show floor levels and adjacent ground levels.

New buildings or major extensions
When erecting a new building or a major extension, the following additional information is normally required.

  • Drainage plans for both sewerage and stormwater. Note: If an on-site drainage system is to be installed a resource consent will be required from the Hawke's Bay Regional Council
  • Specifications
  • Full fire report. Note: If a specific fire design is included the plans have to be sent to the New Zealand Fire Service Design Review Unit for checking
  • Full structural calculations from a Chartered Professional Engineer. Note: Structural calculations may be subject to a peer review
  • Inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures for the specified systems. Note: A comprehensive list of specified systems can be found in section 7 of the building consent application form
  • Details of all insulation

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