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Our sister citiesŌ tātau tāone tuakana taina

Napier Sister City Linkages

The Napier City Council has formed sister city relationships with several overseas cities as an important part of its local government, community, cultural, economic and international development role.

Aimed at fostering international communication, understanding and cooperation, these linkages have become of increasingly economic significance as a cornerstone for trade, business, tourism and educational sector development.

A range of educational organisations, Government, cultural and sporting groups, local volunteer associations, trade agencies and businesses, as well as the Council, commit resources and effort into strengthening these ties to the benefit of the wider community.

The Council and the city foster longstanding formal Sister City relationships with Tomakomai in northern Japan and Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province, China, through regular interchanges on a number of different fronts.

Napier maintains a well-established 'friendly city' link with Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. A similar link with Xuzhou in the Chinese province of Jiangsu is focused on the economy. Napier also has a general servicing relationship with the Chatham Islands.

Napier and Hastings Councils also have a relationship with Mianyang in Sichuan province, China on sharing information on Earthquake matters.

The Council's international linkages are administered by its Economic Development Department.

Sister Cities


Napier City Council - Copyright © 2025 Napier City Council

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