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Thames Street Water Take Station

Drawing water from Napier City Council’s water network

As of 1 March 2022, all permit holders will be required to draw water from the dedicated water take station only. Any permits previously allowing contractors to take water from hydrants have been cancelled.

Drawing water from fire hydrants is strictly prohibited. Please report any illegal use of fire hydrants to 06 835 75 79 or email with details of when and where you have seen the illegal use of hydrants and the name of the organisation and vehicle registration.

Only Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Napier City Council staff can freely draw water from fire hydrants for the purpose of fighting fires, training, testing and maintenance and flushing of the NCC water supply network.

Dedicated water take for contractors and water tankers

A dedicated water take station has been commissioned in front of 91 Thames Street, Pandora, to allow all registered contractors to draw water without risk of contaminating the main supply.

This dedicated water take station is now available for use. Please submit a new application for permit to take water form to apply for an access card to the station.

About the Permits

All bulk water users of the Napier City Council network (potable water suppliers, contractors, etc) are required to hold a current permit to take water from the dedicated water take in front of 91 Thames Street. 

From 1 March 2022, all permit holders may only draw water from the dedicated water take station as required by the Napier City Council Water Supply Bylaw.

Permit users pay an annual permit fee covering the cost of operation, administration, and annual testing costs of the backflow prevention device at the dedicated water take station.

Permit holders must comply with the conditions as stipulated on the permit.

Please note that the contractors supplying potable water to the public (e.g. water carriers) are responsible for their own registration as a water supplier and meeting Ministry of Health / Taumata Arowai requirements. Napier water supply is currently fully compliant with the Drinking-water Standards for New Zealand 2005 (revised 2018) – should anything change, NCC will immediately notify water carriers holding the permits to take water. Water carriers should maintain a register of details of water taken and where/whom that water was delivered to, so that any transgressions in Napier water supply could be communicated to all consumers.


New permit application fee - $100 per application

Renewal of permit - $100/year

Card replacement fee - $50

There is currently no charge per mof water taken. However, fees may apply in the future. Fees must be paid prior to the issue of cards. 

How to Apply

Application for Permit to Take Water form.pdf

Further Information

If you require more information about water tanker permits, please contact Napier City Council.
Phone: 06 833 7579


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While every endeavour has been taken by the Napier City Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Napier City Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Napier City Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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