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Welcoming Communities

Napier City Council has committed to implementing the Welcoming Communities Programme to help newcomers feel welcome.

Welcoming Communities

Welcoming Communities bring together councils and communities to make the places we live in and love, more welcoming for everyone. A strong and vibrant community is one where everyone can participate in the economic, civic, cultural and social life of our community.

Napier City Council is officially accredited as a 'Committed' Welcoming Community under Welcoming Communities – Te Waharoa ki ngā Hapori. 'Committed' is stage one under the four stages of accreditation: Committed, Established, Advanced and Excelling. A Committed Welcoming Community values newcomers and is committed to building a welcoming and inclusive community. It has also taken active steps to create an environment where all residents can thrive and belong.

There are currently 35 Councils taking part in the Welcoming Communities programme. Napier City Council joins 20 other Councils in the programme that have achieved accreditation under the four-stages of accreditation.

We’ll be working alongside our communities to understand what it’s like for our newcomers to settle into our communities, and create a Welcoming Plan to address the challenges and opportunities we find.

Welcoming Communities is a nationwide programme led by Immigration New Zealand in partnership with the Office of Ethnic Communities and the Human Rights Commission.

We believe that communities are happier, healthier and more productive when newcomers, migrants, former refugees and international students are welcomed by the community and enjoy better social outcomes, cohesion, and economic growth.

Welcomming Communities 8 elements chartThe Welcoming Communities Programme aims to make Napier more welcoming for everyone. It focuses on achieving a standard of 8 elements which help benchmark what a welcoming and inclusive community looks like.

Welcoming Communities | Te Waharoa ki ngā Hapori is a joint initiative, working collaboratively with our communities to develop a Welcome Plan that reflects the unique characteristics of our beautiful vibrant city.

We’ll consult and partner with mana whenua and local Māori in development of the Welcome Plan, working together to create, advocate for, and continue to foster a welcoming and inclusive community.

Ensuring that everyone feels valued, listened to, included, and has a sense of belonging is vital for building a strong, resilient community and to ensure that Napier feels like home.



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