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Be informed on proposed resource consents

If you have questions or concerns about a proposed development in your area you can contact our duty planner on 06 835 7579 to discuss the resource consenting and notification process.

There are three ways in which a resource consent can be processed – publically notified, limited notification or non-notified.

The Resource Management Act 1991 sets out the requirements for notification of a resource consent application. When a resource consent is notified, other people will have an opportunity to have their say on a project.

Non-notified applications

Applications are non-notified where the council is satisfied that:

  • Any adverse effects that may result from the proposal are no more than minor; and
  • Any affected persons (usually neighbours) have agreed in writing to the proposal.

When we publicly notify a resource consent application 

If a project is likely to have adverse effects on the environment or people, we will: 

  • notify those directly affected (limited notification), or 
  • notify the public generally (public notification). 

Limited notification 

If a proposal will have an adverse effect on people to an extent where a planner would deem them 'affected parties', we must notify those people unless: 

Affected people can make a submission supporting or opposing an application within 20 working days of being notified. 

Public notification 

We may determine that the adverse effects of your resource consent warrant public notification. If so, a public notice will appear in newspapers and on our website. Publically notified resource consent applications, which are open for submission, are listed on our website (see Notified Resource Consent applications open for submission below) .

We will also directly notify any people we consider adversely affected. We send them an information pack, including information on how to make a submission.

Anyone can make a submission supporting or opposing an application within 20 working days.

What happens if we receive submissions 

For a publically notified resource consent, if we receive submissions against a proposal and people have indicated that they want to speak about their submission, we will hold a hearing. 


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