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Residential kerbside rubbish collection

Booklet Cover Photo 5NCC provides a weekly kerbside rubbish collection.

The wheelie bin service is for all urban and rural residential addresses in Napier and some commercial addresses in the CBD. It also applies to shopping areas in the city that pay rates charges for kerbside waste collection.

For more information about this service download our booklet. 

Download our wheelie bin booklet

What can I put in my wheelie bin?

You can put all your household rubbish that can’t be recycled, reused or composted in the wheelie bin, e.g:

  • Soft plastics
  • Used nappies
  • Polystyrene
  • Broken glass
  • Plastics 3-7

Please note this EXCLUDES the following items:

  • Gas bottles
  • Helium balloon kits 
  • Garden waste
  • Hot ashes
  • Batteries
  • Hazardous waste
  • Medical waste
  • Liquid waste

If you require a garden waste collection you can arrange a service for this through a commercial contractor.

Please remember not to overfill your wheelie bins. If your bin lid does not close your rubbish will not be collected. 


Wheelie Bin Do's and Don'ts

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Frequently asked questions…

Rubbish is collected every week on the same day. Enter your address to find out your collection day for your street. Oh, and one more thing - make sure your rubbish and recycling is out no later than 7:00am on collection day or you may miss the truck.

All household rubbish, though there are some conditions. Read on!

No, your maximum weekly waste allowance is 120L. This is the size of your wheelie bin. Any additional waste will need to be disposed of at the RedClyffe Transfer Station. Any bags places on the kerb will be considered illegal dumping. 

You can put all your household rubbish that can’t be recycled, reused or composted in the wheelie bin, e.g:

  • Soft plastics
  • Used nappies
  • Polystyrene
  • Broken glass
  • Plastics 3-7

Please note this EXCLUDES the following items:

  • Gas bottles
  • Garden waste
  • Hot ashes
  • Batteries
  • Hazardous waste
  • Medical waste
  • Liquid waste

If you require a garden waste collection you can arrange a service for this through a commercial contractor.

That’s no good!

There are a number of reasons why your rubbish may not have been collected. Before giving us a call, please check the following: 

  • Was your bin out by 7am? 
  • Is your rubbish sticking to the inside of your bin?
  • Have you overfilled your bin? If your bin lid does not close our contractors will not collect your rubbish. 
  • Has your rubbish been packed in too tightly? 
  • Was there a sticker left on the lid of your bin explaining why your rubbish was not collected? 
  • Have you received warnings for overfilling your bin or disposing of garden waste or hazardous material? If this is the case, your service may have been suspended or lost, as collecting your rubbish is high risk. In this situation, you will have received a number of warnings and educational material from us.

If none of these reasons apply to you, please phone us on +64 6 835 7579, and we will investigate. 

We want to encourage less waste going to landfill. For those households that produce less waste, we are proposing to offer a fortnightly service which customers will need to opt in for. We will check how often the bin is emptied using the microchip in the bin. There will be a remission in the next year's rates bill for those residents that only place their bin on the kerb every second week. Visit our Less Waste Incentive web page to sign-up and opt into the proposed fortnightly service. 

This proposal, if approved as part of draft amendments to our Rates Remission Policy, will go out for public consultation. If the proposal is adopted by Council, it will come into effect at the start of 2021/22 ratings year, meaning a discount (“remission”) in your 2021/22 rates bill.  

On collection day, if possible place your wheelie bin at least one metre from street poles and cars. Also try to keep a 50cm between other wheelie bins.  Refer to below graphic.

Bin placement

Waste Management collect kerbside waste bins daily. If you’ve returned home to find your bin partially empty here’s what you should know

The rubbish truck is equipped with mechanical arms designed to lift and fully empty the waste bins, Sometimes the bin may be lightly tapped to ensure all contents are removed.

If your bin is half emptied, it’s likely due to the nature of the contents inside it.

A few of the below can contribute to this happening:

  • Waste in rubbish bags sometimes sticks to the bin due to static charge and doesn’t fall out when tipped. We encourage residents not to use 60L bags as this also is better for the environment. This problem should reduce as bins get older, and the inside gets rougher and dirty.
  • Large pieces of polystyrene, cardboard and other large items that are folded/pushed in can expand and jam easily. Please recycle cardboard and break larger items up.
  • Waste has been packed in, sometimes by mistake as a heavy bag/item on top crunches other waste in the bottom.

The waste truck will not return to service half emptied waste bins the bin has been packed incorrectly restricting the truck from providing a service.

Napier City Council would appreciate residents assisting with this so we can continue to provide the best possible rubbish service.


An assisted service is available for residents who need assistance to get wheelie bins and/ or recycling crates to their kerbside on collection days because of a physical disability or mobility issue. 

The assisted service is strictly for those residents:
• with a physical disability, mobility issue or another impairment that affects their ability to place their rubbish and/or recycling at the kerbside for collection,
• and don’t have caregivers, family or neighbours who can help with this
To read more about the service and apply click the link below.

Application for Assisted Rubbish & Recycling Collection

A second wheelie bin can be provided to residents who are generating additional rubbish as a result of at-home medical treatment requirements.

To be eligible for this service the applicant must confirm that they are generating additional waste as a result of receiving at-home medical treatment. It is also important to note that the additional bin is for medical waste that is not biohazard waste. 

To find out more on this service, please see the application form for an additional rubbish bin here.

To register for this service, download the application form below, or submit an application by completing our online form.



This challenge can be overcome either by leaving the bin near the letterbox and transporting your waste regularly to the bin. Alternatively tow your bin to the kerb by using a towing hitch on your vehicle. These can be purchased online for a $15-30 dollars depending on the type. Alternatively you can make a system yourself by tying a big knot to both ends of a thin 1 meter length rope. Then loop it around your wheelie bin handle and closing the boot so both knots are inside. We encourage you to use the option that suits you best.

All of Napier City have 120L wheelie bins for their waste but in some rare cases, an alternative solution will be needed as bins won't suit every property in our city. If the use of a bin is impossible for your property, please apply below so our Waste Team can assess your situation. 

Alternative Rubbish Collection Application

If you are a business in one of Napier's CBDs, you may qualify for an NCC wheelie bin and collection service. To see if your business is eligible, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 06 835 7579 or email your request through to

Bin Care

On occasion, wheelie bins go missing, but they show up again the majority of the time. If your bin has gone missing, check with your surrounding neighbour to see if they have seen it. If you still can't track it down, contact us on 06 835 7579 or email at

Lining your wheelie bin is not necessary for your rubbish to be collected. Plastic bags can be disposed of in your bin, however we encourage less plastic being used wherever possible.

We recommend not using a liner but if you have any wet and/or smelly items you could use a small bag if you are concerned about odour. Bins can be rinsed out with water and disposed of on your lawn or garden. (Please do not pour down the stormwater drain.)

It’s not a requirement, however rinsing your bin out regularly will help reduce any smell. Rinse it out with your hose and tip it on the lawn or in your garden beds, not down the stormwater drain.

Transfer Station

Redclyffe Transfer Station is based at 193 Springfield Road near Taradale. Head south down Gloucester Street, drive past EIT, turn right before the bridge into Springfield Road, then it's approximately 2km on your left. Find out more about the Redclyffe Transfer Station here.

  • Monday to Saturday - 7.30am to 4:45pm
  • Sunday - 9:00 to 4:45pm
  • Holidays: Closed on Good Friday, Christmas and New Year's Day.

Find out the correct places/way to dispose of your items by searching our A-Z waste guide.


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