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Code Compliance CertificatesTiwhikete Tūtohunga

A CCC confirms completed building work has been built in accordance with an approved building consent and complies with the Building Code. CCCs are based on the inspections undertaken during and at the end of construction, and once any specified systems are performing.

What is a CCC?

The Code Compliance Certificate confirms that the completed building work has been built in accordance with the approved Building Consent documents and complies with the Building Code. A CCC is issued by a Building Consent Authority as a requirement under section 95 of the Building Act 2004.

Council issues Code Compliance Certificates based on the inspections undertaken during and at the end of construction. It’s only issued when Council is satisfied on reasonable grounds that your building work is completed and complies with the building consent, your final inspection has been passed, any specified systems for the building are capable of performing, and your Code Compliance Certificate application and required documentation have been received and accepted.

This certificate came into effect in Napier on 1 January 1993. If your property was built before then, it won’t be eligible for a Code Compliance Certificate.

Owner responsibility to apply for a CCC

The building owner must apply for a code compliance certificate after all building work carried out under the building consent granted to that owner is completed. 

These quick tips will ensure you can easily submit your application.

  • Upload your documentation to the online building consents system as you receive it, rather than upload it all at the end.
  • Upload any critical documentation required before the final inspection e.g., ground check, building location certificate or approved on-site minor variations etc.
  • Ensure you apply for your CCC when all documentation is uploaded and accepted.

How to determine if the work has been completed?

It's recommended that the owner gets the final inspection passed before applying for the CCC as they can then be confident that all the work required by the building consent has actually been completed and all required documentation has been supplied.

How to apply for a CCC?

For consents numbered BC171000 and younger apply for your CCC through building consents online on our website's Submit It tab. Only electronic applications will be accepted for these consents.

For older consents numbered BC170161 or older complete the application form on our website. You may scan and email the completed CCC application to You may also supply it in hard copy format.

If you have not already done so, the following documents should be supplied prior to submitting your application for CCC:

  • All of the third party certification paperwork that has been requested as a condition of the building consent e.g. producer statements, specified system installation/certification certificates (if relevant). These documents provide additional information that the officer considers in making the CCC decision.
  • Any energy certificates (electrical and /or gas) otherwise Council can refuse to issue a CCC under s94(3) of the Building Act 2004.
  • All records of work if the project involved restricted building work.

Ensure all required fees and charges have been paid:

  • If development contributions were required for the building consent, make sure that these are paid otherwise Council can refuse to issue a CCC under s94(4) of the Building Act 2004.
  • Pay any outstanding fees and charges imposed by the building consent authority e.g. for additional inspections carried out. Refer to the Fees and Charges section for payment methods

Council CCC Process

CCC processing can take up to 20 working days. We will not accept incomplete CCC applications as per section 92 of the Building Act 2004. All required documents under section 93 must be supplied and accepted prior to issue of the CCC if not an RFI may be requested and the clock will be paused.

Once approved, your certificate will be issued on receipt and processing of payment (if applicable). Please be aware that some banks will take one or more business days to complete the payment and therefore Council will see the funds up to 48 hours later. Therefore, please expect to be able to access your documents after this time.

If the project is a commercial building with specified systems, the new or amended Compliance Schedule (and Compliance Schedule Statement if applicable) will be issued with the CCC.

The building consent authority will issue the code compliance certificate when it is satisfied, on reasonable grounds:

  • That the building work complies with the building consent.
  • All the required inspections have been undertaken and all non-compliance and outstanding matters have been satisfactorily dealt with i.e. all inspections passed.
  • Where a compliance schedule has been issued, the specified systems in the building are capable of performing to the performance standards set out in the building consent.
  • Have regard to whether any banned building methods or products have been used.
  • That all relevant energy certificates have been received.
  • That all development contributions and outstanding fees have been paid (if applicable).

Code Compliance Certificate extensions

An application for a code compliance certificate must be made as soon as practicable after the completion of all consented building work.

If you’re unable to finish work within 24 months of it being granted, you’ll need to apply for an extension of time.

Council is required to make a decision at 24 months or at any further period that may be agreed between the owner and the building consent authority concerned whether to issue the CCC.

Code Compliance Certificate under 1991 Act or “old” building consents

Definition of “old” building consent: a building consent issued under the Building Act 1991 or Building Act 2004 that has no CCC issued for the work and is more than 5 years old from the issuing date.

When assessing older building consents for CCC, the Building Code requirements of Clause B2 (Durability) and Clause E2 (External Moisture) are particularly relevant and critical.

Providing we are satisfied that the building work complies with the Building Code at the time the building consent was issued (for consents issued under BA1991) and the provisions of the Building Act, then a Code Compliance Certificate will be able to be issued. Please note that the durability provisions of the building code will be backdated to an agreed practical completion date as a modification to the building consent.

If Council is not satisfied that Act provisions are fulfilled or is not satisfied that reasonable grounds exist to enable the issue of a Code Compliance Certificate, then issue may be refused.

Contact the Duty Building Officer for further information relating to issuing CCCs for “old” building consents.

Should we refuse to issue a code compliance certificate and you consider that this is not justified then you may wish to approach the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and apply for a determination.

What receipt of the CCC means?

Receipt of the Code Compliance Certificate means that the building work complies with the building consent and signals the completion of the project.


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