Napier is now at Level 2 Water Restrictions: Sprinkler and Hose Restrictions. Sprinklers and hoses can be used on alternate days between 6am-8am and 7pm-9pm only.
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Keeping People Safe in Napier
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The Community Safety Survey was undertaken in February 2021. It aims to:
Identify community perceptions about safety
Identify current community safety concerns
Determine community awareness of current safety initiatives
Identify potential safety improvements
Measure community awareness of the Safer Napier programme.
Highlights from the survey:
45% of residents said they feel safe in Napier
44% feel unsafe
Older residents (65+) were significantly more likely to feel safe (65%) compared to younger residents aged 18-39 (32%).
There is strong support for these safety initiatives:
Police patrols/presence – average score of 9.3 out of 10
CCTV cameras in public places – 8.9
Security patrols in Napier city and Marewa shopping centre – 8.4
Napier Community Patrol “meerkat cars” – 7.5
Napier Neighbourhood Support – 7.4
Read the full report
Napier City Council focuses on:
Policies and strategies – overarching guidance for a safer community
Regulations – enforcementlevers to improve safety in the community
Animal control
Alcohol licensing
Noise control
Graffiti control
Environmental health (eg, food licensing)
Freedom camping
Civil Defence – resilience and connections for collective preparedness
Readiness, response, recovery
NCC staff trained to mobilise for response
Evacuation awareness
Community connections
Infrastructure - tools and structures to improve community safety
CCTV camera network
Street management patrols
Community spaces (eg. parks and reserves, playgrounds, community centres, outdoor facilities)
Evacuation routes and points
Places and spaces – encouraging more use of our public areas
Activations (busy places are safer places)
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) - using design principles to make places safer
Roading and pathways – safer places for all road and pathway users
Engineering for safety (eg, school zones, dedicated cycleways and pathways, traffic calming)
Speed limits
Tactical urbanism (testing changes to the built environment)
Supporting community-led - funding and supporting community groups and innovative ideas
Collaboration and partnerships – Working and linking with others
Forums (eg, Community Network , Napier Disability Advisory Group, Hawke’s Bay Settlement Forum, Housing Coalition, Joint Alcohol Strategy Reference Group)
Safer Napier (43 partner agencies with oversight from the Safer Napier Strategic Group)
Collaboration with government agencies, community organisations, neighbourhoods (eg, residents associations, business associations) and communities
Safe Neighbourhoods
Safe Public Places
Safe Roads
Resilient Communities
Shake Out and Tsunami Hikoi evacuation awareness
Hill Hosts (a community-led initiative planning for mass evacuation to Mataruahau/Napier Hill)
LIFT Hawke’s Bay (rangatahi/youth social enterprise)
DiverCity (celebrating cultural diversity)
POD/Domynis Gym
Outreach Service
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz