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Frequently Asked Questions

Thames Street Water Take FAQs

I have an existing permit, how do I get a swipe card to the dedicated water take station? 

Please re-submit a new permit application form and submit to

I have an existing permit, do I need to pay an additional fee to get a swipe card to the dedicated water take station? 

If you have a valid permit, you do not have to pay an additional fee for your first swipe card to use the station. Please submit a new permit application to for a card. If you require more than one swipe card, there is a $50 fee for each additional card. 

I have a swipe card, how do I use the water take station? 

Instructions for using the water take station are as follows: 

How to start filling:

1.       To take water at this station, you or your organisation must be authorised by Napier City Council and hold a valid Water Take permit.

2.       Open the hydrant box lid. Connect your standpipe and hose to the hydrant in the Water Take Hydrant Box. Ensure your hose is secured to your receiving vessel. Check that the hydrant valve is in the closed position.

3.       Swipe your access card on the card reader at the Control Panel. The panel light will turn on and the hydrant will start to pressurise.

4.       Release water by slowly opening the hydrant valve.

Note: The station will automatically turn off after a set period of time. You can restart the station by rescanning your card.

How to stop filling:

1.       Close the hydrant valve.

2.       Swipe your access card on the card reader at the Control Panel, to shut the upstream valve and the light will turn off. Close the hydrant box lid.

What equipment do I need to operate the water take station? 

You will need a swipe card, standpipe, hose attachment and valve key. 

Do I still need a certified backflow device on my standpipe when I use the dedicated water take station? 

If you are using the dedicated water take station in Thames St, you will not require a backflow prevention device on your standpipe 

If am doing work on behalf of NCC that requires significant amounts of water, do I need to use the dedicated water take station?

After the 28 February 2022, you must use the dedicated water take station to take water from the NCC water supply network. Up till 28 February you may still use a NCC hydrant but you must hold a valid permit and have a certified backflow prevention device on your standpipe.

Can I still apply for a permit to take water from a hydrant up till the 28 February 2022?

NCC are no longer providing new permits to take water from hydrants. All new users are required to submit an application for a permit to use the dedicated water take station at 91 Thames Street to take water.

How do I know when to open the hydrant valve to start filling my tank? 

When the light at the control panel turns on (it takes about 30 seconds), the hydrant is ready to open.

Why has the water stopped flowing while I am filling my tank? 

The water take station is programmed to stop filling after a set period of time. If there is delay in opening the hydrant valve, you may have used up the time that the automated valve is opened for. If this happens, simply swipe the card again, the light at the control panel should turn on and water should start flowing again. To stop the water, turn the hydrant valve off and swipe your access card. 

Why do I have to use this dedicated take station to fill my water tank or take water from the Council network? 

To keep our water network safe from the risk of contamination, this dedicated water take station provides protection with the correct backflow prevention device. This dedicated station will allow bulk water users and contractors to safely take water from our network, keeping our drinking water safe from potential contamination from backflow. 

Can I still take water from the Council hydrant? 

Yes, but only up to 28 February 2022 if you have a current water take permit and a certified backflow prevention device on your standpipe. 

How do I report damage or malfunction of the water take station? 

Please phone customer services 06 833 7579 to report the damage or malfunction as soon as possible


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