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Tamatea ParkTe papa rēhia o Tamatea

Tamatea Park is a 1.7ha reserve (behind PAK'nSAVE) used by the community for outdoor recreation and school activities. It has one full-size rugby field and is home to the Colenso Pirate Rugby and Sports Club, who have erected practice lights on the park's perimeter.

Rugby and recreation...

Rugby field at Tamatea Park.This 1.7ha reserve is used by the neighbourhood as an outdoor recreation space and for school activities.

The park is the home of the Colenso Pirate Rugby and Sports Club who play here. The club has erected practice lights on the park's perimeter.

The reserve land was set aside as part of the general development plan for the suburb of Tamatea.

The intention was to provide a neighbourhood park to be used in conjunction with the adjoining school.

Tamatea Park images

Tamatea Park Winter Field Layout

Leicester Avenue, Tamatea. Standard winter field layout for Tamatea Park.

Booking Inquiries

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 Venues Booking Officer

+64 6 834 4145

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