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Find out how we process your resource consent application and how long it can take.
Once we receive your resource consent application, we will check it is complete, assess it and make a decision.
Before we can accept your application, we check you have provided all necessary information.
If details are missing or plans are not included, we will return the application to you with a letter explaining what is missing.
When we receive a complete application, we will confirm acceptance of your application in writing within 10 working days and give you a reference number in addition to an invoice for the application fee. Please note this fee is a base charge.
When we process your application, we review:
Track the progress of your consent application by contacting our duty planner on 06 835 7579 with your resource consent number.
If planners or specialists have questions about your application, they will ask for further information (this is called a section 92 request), which stops the clock for processing of your application until we receive the information.
For more complex applications, the planner may also need to commission a report on an aspect of your application. Note: commissioning of an expert report is a cost which is passed onto the applicant.
We will let you know about this before we commission the report. You can agree or decline to have the report done.
If you decline to supply us with further information, or decline to have the report done, we may have to publicly notify your application.
A planner will assess your application within 20 working days and will keep you updated on its progress.
For non-notified applications, if we take longer than 20 working days to assess your application, you may be entitled to a discount under the Resource Management (Discount on administrative charges) Regulations 2010.
A planner will prepare a report that recommends whether or not the public should be notified about the application and given the chance to submit their feedback. See Notified resource consents.
The planner's report will also recommend whether the application should be granted and what conditions should apply.
The final decision is made by the team leader or an independent commissioner.
The planner assessing your application will contact you, usually by phone and email, to let you know if your application has been granted or declined, or if it needs to be notified.
If we grant your resource consent, your email will contain:
If we decline your application and/or you disagree with our decision (or parts of it), you can contact the planner to discuss. Alternatively, you may wish to formally object to our decision or lodge an appeal with the Environment Court. See resource consent appeals and objections.
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz