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Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE)Te mātai i ngā āhuatanga ka pā ki te taiao

Find out what an AEE is and what should be included.

All resource consent applications need an AEE.

What is an AEE?

An AEE is a written statement which identifies the effects of your proposed activity or activities on the environment so we can assess the likely impact of the proposal.

Effects on the environment that you will need to consider can be short-term or long-term, positive or negative, and may include:

  • traffic and parking
  • heritage or streetscape character
  • overshadowing of properties
  • reduction in privacy
  • noise and vibration
  • flooding
  • stability of land
  • infrastructure (capacity)
  • people and community.

You need to identify ways that any effects can be avoided or reduced, in your AEE.

It is a good idea to start preparing your AEE as soon as possible. This will help you identify information that may be required by us. Avoid a request for more information by supplying as much information as you can.

How to prepare an AEE

We recommend you find a suitably qualified expert to help you prepare your application


When preparing your AEE you will need to:

  • provide a good description of the proposal, the site and surroundings
  • confirm why you are applying for a consent and confirm compliance with the rules
  • discuss how your proposal fits with the Napier City Council Operative District Plan and Proposed District Plan vision for that zone and how it meets the objectives and policies of the Plan
  • describe any effects on the environment
  • describe what effects your proposal may have on people
  • propose any conditions that may help mitigate any effects of the proposal
  • provide any specialist reports required to support the application.

Taking the time to prepare a thorough AEE will save you time later. Another source of useful information is the Ministry for the Environment website.

Suggesting conditions of consent in your AEE

Resource consents are usually granted with conditions, which help manage the effects of your activity; for example, sediment and erosion control conditions may be placed on a consent to manage the effects of earthworks.

If you think there are ways to reduce the effects of your project and you would like to propose these measures as conditions of a consent, include these as part of your AEE when discussing the effects of your project.

We can give feedback on any conditions you think might be appropriate for your consent as part of pre-application guidance.


National Environmental Standards (NES) 

NES are nationwide regulations made under the Resource Management Act 1991.

They set out planning requirements and technical standards on a variety of specified activities that have an effect the environment, including forestry, freshwater use, electricity transmission and more.


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