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Summary of submissions by submitter

Here you can view a summary of submissions arranged in the order of who made the submission.

Summary of Submissions

The summary of submissions lists what people are asking for and briefly explains why. You can also read the original submissions for more details here.

When making your own submission, please refer to the original submission number in the summary.

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1. Richard Brown
10. Ben Marsden
100. Kevan Rasell
101. Brian Nicholls
102. Bayswater Vehicles Limited
103. Summerset Group Holdins Limited
105. Ara Poutama Aoetearoa the Department of Corrections
106. Lynette Harris
107. Lilian Sandra Winnie
108. Juliette Cadwallader
109. Peter Gillies
11. Sara Stephenson
110. Amy Dove
111. Cameron Marett
112. Lawrence and Kerryn Yule
113. Leighton Taylor
114. Sheena and Peter Revington
115. Currie Family Trust
116. Philip Leake
117. Christine Briasco
118. Peter Free
119. Kate Graham
120. 192. 194. Cameron Lloyd
121. Shirley Carrington
122. Barbara and Edward Woolman
123. Brian Doherty
124. Robyn Sinden
125. Matthew Burnside
126. 147. Deborah Burnside
127. Janet and Abby Neill
128. Emerald Hills Joint Venture Limited
129. Sandra Wilson
13. Denise Ockey
130. Kim Desmond and Ian Hunter
131. The Surveying Company H.B. Ltd. Nicholas Wakefield
132. Andrea Furness
133. Deborah and Dennis Dinnenn
134. Helicopters Hawkes Bay
135. Kirsty Gillespie
136. 137. 138. Jeff Reid
139. Alison Francis
14. Alyce Kelly
140. Carl and Rebecca Berryman
141. Robina Tipiwai
142. TW Property
143. oOhMedia Street Furniture New Zealand Limited
144. Shana Cochrane
145. Willian Nunes
146. Ethel Kearns
148. TRA Catherine Hawkins
149. 154. Angela Denby
15. Gavin Milley
150. Sera Chambers
151. Chorus New Zealand Limited Connexa Limited Aotearoa Tower Group One New Zealand Group Limited and Spark New Zealand Trading Limited
152. Mark Witkowski
153. Steve Orme
155. 226. Jane Fordyce
156. Amy Lee
157. Martin Wood
158. Jacqui Leake
16. Craig Double
160. Waiapu Cathedral Vestry
161. John Gillon
162. Dorothy Kelsey
163. Allan Thompson
164. Keith Peacock
165. New Zealand Frost Fans Limited
166. Ivan Yukich
167. Monique Van Groenewoud and Raymond Mears
168. KiwiRail Holdings Limited
169. Doooney Brothers Partnership
17. Dave Rountree
170. 182. 191. 195. 196. Napier City Council
171. Ahuriri Regional Park Joint Committee
172. Powerco Limited
173. Neil Fenwick
174. Jude Minor
175. Edward Tefalu
176. Lizzie Reinecke
177. Aggregate and Quarry Association
178. Susan MacDonald
179. Napier BSL No. 3 Limited
18. Sarah Cotter
180. Golden Bay
181. Ben Hasselman
183. Mervin Castelino
184. Graeme McCarrison
185. Wallace Development Company Limited
186. Jillian Meier
187. 271. 272. 281. Alan Petersen
188. Michael and Narelle Carson
189. Angela McFlynn
19. Bevaleah Rye
190. Richard Milner
193. Jennie Fenwick
197. A Davidson
198. Hawkes Bay Airport Limited HBAL
199. Scott Gould
2. Marya Hopman
20. Michael Boyle
200. Darryl Furness
201. Luke Dodd
202. Port of Napier Limited
203. Janet Campbell
204. Ryan Schnell
205. Bunnings Limited
206. 211. 213. Warren Pearce
207. Anna and Ben Sanders
208. Sue Myles
209. Jack Brownlie Investments Limited
21. Ray Taylor
210. Guy Panckhurst
212. Chorus New Zealand Ltd
214. Woolworths New Zealand Limited
215. The Fuel Companies
216. McDonalds Restaurants NZ Limited
217. Z Energy Limited
218. Stu McLauchlan
219. Maria Roberts
22. Marg Fleischl
220. Paul Eady
221. Dominic Adams
222. Amelia Longley
223. 224. Frank Spencer
225. New Zealand Heavy Haulage Association Incorporated
227. Bronwyn Alexander
228. Berkett Commercial 2021 Limited
229. Bernadette and Christopher Bastion
23. Karl Goodchild
230. Alicia McKinnon
231. Ministry of Education
232. James Whitlock
233. Samantha Judge
234. 235. Marist Holdings Greenmeadows Ltd
236. Pauline Sutton
237. Murray and Elly Buchanan
238. Foodstuffs North Island Limited
239. Damien Shalfoon
24. Clare Louise Gerbault
240. Unison Networks Unison
241. Teela Nilkins
242. Margaret Hunt
243. Maryanne Macintosh
244. John Prucher
245. Denise Fastier
246. Ravensdown Limited
247. Tawanui Developments Limited
248. Darryl Hook
249. Alan White
25. Susan Dallas
250. The Salvation Army
251. Gary French
252. Sandra Hagan
253. Department of Conservation
254. Kahori Nakagawa and Glenn Munroe
255. Catherine Haslam
256. Rachel Hammond
257. Horticulture New Zealand
258. Geoff Mitford Taylor
259. Virginia Mitford Taylor
26. Ashley Hampton
260. Judith Robinson
261. Sue Dick and Howard Pilgrim
262. Robin Gwynn
263. Mana Ahuriri Holdings Limited Partnership
264. Hawkes Bay Regional Council
265. Vivienne Fraser
266. Andrea Hannah
267. Sarah Groom
268. The Vigor Brown Group
269. David Chan and Lindsay Manning
27. Lance Simon
270. Margie and John Clayton
273. Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
275. Dominic McClarey
276. Bruce Morrin
277. NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZTA
278. Dionne Best
279. Maraenui Golf Club Inc
28. Alan Dibley
280. Mana Ahuriri Trust
282. Vanessa Moon
283. Vince Stanford Stan Holdings
284. Byron Duncan Lotus Marine Parade Limited
285. Kainga Ora Homes and Communities
286. Faan and Esmarie Matthee
287. Son Nguyen
288. Fire and Emergency New Zealand
289. Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc.
29. Janet Gail Bartlett
3. Sandra Welsh
30. Carl Forster
31. Natasha Duncan Sutherland
32. Phillip Boyle
33. Liz Marshall
34. Margaret Symons
35. Dallas Knight
36. Douglas Knight
37. Graham Morton
38. 104. Kevin Corkery
39. Michael Travis Wilkin
4. Robert Bell
40. Stephen Robinson
41. Aaron Killick
42. John and Wendy Buck
43. Jan Robertson
44. Lynda Otter
45. Greg Primrose
46. David Brokken
47. Andrea Logan
48. Michael Keukelaar
49. Obiora Lawrence Omulu
5. Jayden Mellsop
50. 51. Hamish Blackberry
52. William Alivale
53. Julie Ellen Chambers
54. Carol Taggart
55. Iain Chisnell
56. David Penman
57. Beverly and Martin Lott
58. Richard Vern
59. Sarah Zonneveld
6. Syeda Narjis Khurram
60. Norm Zonneveld
61. Chris Morris
62. Peter and Eileen Smith
63. Wayne Ormsby Te Taiwhenua o te Whanganui a Orotu
64. Tracey Reyburn
65. Michelle Waterfall
66. Amanda Jackson
67. Siobhan Leah Jane
68. Lesley Blair
69. Craig Francis Chambers
7. Barry Davis
70. Erica Constance Jit
72. Survey Spatial Hawkes Bay
73. NZ Agricultural Aviation Association
74. Glen and Anne McLeod
75. Jonathan Mumford
76. Leigh Mitchley
77. Rick Neil Jamieson
78. Peter Grant
79. Joanne Black
8. Ann Webster
80. AGJS Enterprises Limited
82. Taradale RSA
83. Craig Ross
84. Goldwater Au Limited
85. John Sandall
86. Karen Shields
87. Dr. Hans Hasso Weichbrodt
88. Jan Gesa Weichbrodt Borm
89. Will Workman
9. Sharon Rose
90. Henry and Odette Potgieter
91. Greg and Rose Kirby
92. 93. Ross and Eileen Dobbie
94. Jean Ferguson
95. Ahuriri Rock Pools Trust
96. Lynne Anderson
97. Kay Foley
98. Cameron David Marett
99. Transpower New Zealand Limited

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Napier City Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Napier City Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Napier City Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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