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Napier Connects Toolkit

An invaluable online resource, our Napier Connects Toolkit sets out to build better connections between seniors and the rest of the Napier whanau.

A resource promoting positive ageing and community engagement

A senior citizen enjoys the atmosphere of a performance at Napier Library.

While the majority of older people in communities throughout New Zealand actively participate in a wide range of activities, around 10% of older people are socially isolated and a further 12% are at risk of becoming so.

Social isolation can negatively impact on a person’s health and wellbeing, while participation in community activities can impact positively. It is also a great way for older people to contribute their knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom to our community.

Napier Connects aims to facilitate opportunities for better connections between our older residents and their community. We work to create programmes and activities that are simple, free from red tape and provide the level of connection people are comfortable with. We encourage other groups and individuals to do the same, and look forward to the network of activity and connection in our community growing over time.

The Napier Connects team has learnt a lot in developing the programme. In this section we share the steps taken from initial planning right through to measuring success.

Your council or organisation is welcome to follow some or all of our steps, though of course every community has different needs, so approaches across New Zealand will vary.

Our number one piece of advice is this: Be flexible. This type of project involves many people and moving parts, so adapting to things as they change is key.

We wish you well as you work through your own positive ageing and community engagement project.

Napier Connects Toolkit e-book


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