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Extension of time of a resource consentWhakaroahia tētahi tono whakaaetanga rawa taiao

Find out how to get an extension of time on your resource consent.

When to apply

We recommend applying at least six months before your consent lapses.

To extend the lapsing date of a resource consent, you need to show you have made considerable efforts to fulfil the purpose and conditions of the consent.

If your consent lapses before your extension has been approved, you will need to apply for a new resource consent.

In most cases, for resource consents you have five years from the day the consent is granted to fulfil the purpose and conditions of consent. However, you need to check the conditions on your consent for any specific time frames.

Apply for an extension of the time on your resource consent

We only accept online applications for an extension of time for a resource consent. If you are unable to apply online visit our Customer Service Centre for assistance in making your online application.

If there is no way to provide digital copies of your plans or documents, visit our Customer Service Centre. Our staff will accept hard copies in person for an additional administration charge. The charge covers the costs involved in scanning your documents into our digital consent system.

Call us on 06 835 7579 to speak with our Duty Planner if you have questions regarding your application.

What happens next

A planner will consider your application and make a decision based on:

  • the amount of progress you have made
  • whether anyone is likely to be affected by the extension of time, and
  • whether there have been any changes to the Unitary Plan since your consent was granted.

We will process your application within 20 working days.


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