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Published: 1 June 2022
There are 57 mobility car parks in Napier. Is that enough? Are the parks in the right places? Are there places people don’t go because of the parking? These are some of the things Napier City Council is asking the public as it begins its mobility parking review today.
The information collected will help make decisions about changes to the public mobility parking around the city.
Napier City Council’s Community Strategies Manager, Natasha Mackie, says it is important Council hears from the community to get greater understanding of the issues and opportunities before making any changes to mobility parking in Napier.
“People with disabilities should be able to enjoy the same access, value and respect as others in the Napier community,” Natasha says. “This review is one of the many activities we are undertaking as part of Napier’s Disability Strategy, which aims to make Napier a city for everyone. Our Advisory Groups, who are vital to strategy, will also play a key role in the mobility parking review, sharing their insights as disability sector representatives and people with a lived experience of disability.”
As part of the review, a survey will be distributed to mobility parking holders, and the survey link will be made available on the Napier City Council website for anyone who lives in or visits Napier, to provide feedback.
The survey opens this week and closes Tuesday 21 June. It can be completed online at sayitnapier.nz or a paper copy can be collected from Napier or Taradale library or the Napier City Council Customer Service Centre, 215 Hastings Street, Napier.
A phone survey option is also available by phoning 06 835 7579 or emailing communityservices@napier.govt.nz
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