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Designation response to Cyclone Gabrielle

Published: 10 February 2025

Cyclone Gabrielle Website Tile

NCC has carried out the Cyclone Gabrielle 90-day designation review on 06 February 2025 and the outcome of the review is to continue the previous partial termination of the designation without alteration.

Previously, the whole of Napier City had been "designated" under the Building Act 2004 to help manage ongoing risks to people from buildings affected by flooding and land instability as a result of Cyclone Gabrielle. This has now been reduced to only include the specific properties issued with red or yellow placards. Details of the designation is as follows:

About this designation

The designation allows us to take specific actions under the Building Act to manage buildings in an emergency.

The decision to designate the region was made by the Local CDEM Controller at 2.52 pm 17 February 2023 and the designation took effect immediately.

The designation will be reviewed every 90 days by Napier City Council to confirm that the powers conferred by the designation are required to manage the response and recovery.

The designation may remain in place until 18 February 2026, unless terminated earlier.


Designated area

The designated area extends across the entire Napier jurisdiction.

The area designated has been reviewed now that all Rapid Building Assessments are complete.


Powers under a designation

The Building Act provides us a number of powers that may be exercised in respect to all buildings within the designated area, including the ability to: 

  • enter buildings
  • complete post-event assessments
  • direct the evacuation of buildings
  • put in place measures for protecting buildings and keeping people at a safe distance
  • place notices and signs on buildings
  • direct the owners of building or land to provide information
  • direct works (urgent and non-urgent) to remove or reduce risks
  • direct works for long-term use or occupation of a building.


Assessment placards (stickers)

Information about the different placards and what they mean is available on the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) website: 

Rapid building assessment placarding system


Non-compliance and penalties

The Building Act sets out a number of offences and penalties for non-compliance in this matter, in sections 133BR to 133BU, 133BW and 133BX.

 Penalties include fines of between $5000 and $200,000.


How to get your building re-assessed after remedial work has been completed?

If your house was issued with a red or yellow placard and remedial work has now been completed, please contact us on 06 835 1545 so a re-assessment can be carried out and the placard can be removed.

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