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One of the last steps in the subdivision process is applying for a section 224c (s224c) certificate.
A 223 certificate requires a survey plan to be lodged with Land Information New Zealand by your surveyor. The Napier City Council will then confirm that the final surveyors plan matches the one Council approved in your subdivision application. A s224c certificate confirms that a survey plan has been approved under s223 for the subdivision, and that all subdivision conditions have been satisfied. You need a s223 and s224c certificate to request a Record of Title from Land Information New Zealand.
You should apply for a s224c certificate towards the end of the subdivision process, once the survey plan is approved and all physical works have been completed.
When applying, you must demonstrate that you have met all conditions of your subdivision consent. For a full view of the subdivision application process, see apply for a subdivision resource consent.
When you are ready to apply for your s223 and/or your s224c certificate, your surveyor will notify the Council through LINZ and send an email to planning@napier.govt.nz with your application.
If you are unable to apply online, visit our Customer Service Centre for assistance in making your application.
If there is no way to provide digital copies of your plans or documents, visit our Customer Service Centre. Our staff will accept your documents for an additional charge. The charge cover costs involved with us scanning your documents into our digital consent system.
Call us on 06 835 7579 or email dutyplanner@napier.govt.nz to speak with our duty planner if you have any questions regarding your application.
Due to the processes involved in issuing the section 224c certificate, we cannot give an estimated timeframe.
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz