Current filter:
Napier City Council has received an application from Jack Brownlie Investments Ltd for a resource consent to undertake a staged subdivision to create 59 rural-residential lots ranging in size from 800m2 to 1,398m2, an open space lot, two pedestrian entrance strips, road, infrastructure, acoustic fencing, landscape planting and undertake earthworks of approximately 12,977m3 in the Main Rural Zone under the Operative District Plan. The Council has determined that the application must be publicly notified in accordance with Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Napier City Council has determined that the application must be publicly notified in accordance with Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Applicant: Jack Brownlie Investments Ltd.
Location: 68 Franklin Road, Bay View, Napier.
Legal Description: Lot 2 DP22640.
Application number: RMS230061.
Type of Consent Applied for: Land Use and Subdivision – Non-Complying Activity
Description of Proposal:
The proposal is to undertake a three-stage subdivision of Lot 2 DP 22640 into 59 Lots. The applicant summaries the application as such:
The application includes an Assessment of Environmental Effects, including specialist reports and may be inspected at the Napier City Council Customer Service Centre, 215 Hastings Street, Napier, during office hours, or can be viewed below/to the side.
Please contact planning@napier.govt.nz if you have any queries about the application.
Any person may make a submission on the application, but aperson who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity towhich the application relates that -
You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission to the Napier City Council, Private Bag 6010, Napier 4142. The submission must be on or in the format of 'Form 13' of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003. Submissions can be dropped off at the Council, sent via post, or can be lodged electronically below.
The submission must include the following information:
Submissions closed at 5:00pm on Friday 6 September, 2024.
As soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on the Napier City Council, you must serve a copy of your submission on the applicant, Jack Brownlie Investments Ltd.
Applicant Address for Service:
Jack Brownlie Investments Ltd.
C/- Tattico Limited
PO Box 91562
Victoria Street
Auckland 1142
Attention: Mark Vinall
Email contact: Mark.vinall@tattico.co.nz
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz