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Napier City Council advises that the Resource Consent Hearing for 68 Franklin Road RMS230061 will be held on 13th December 2024 at the Large Exhibition Hall, War Memorial Centre, Marine Parade, Napier.
Napier City Council has received an application from Jack Brownlie Investments Limited for a resource consent to undertake a staged subdivision to create 59 rural-residential lots ranging in size from 800m2 to 1,398m2, an open space lot, two pedestrian entrance strips, road, infrastructure, acoustic fencing, landscape planting and undertake earthworks of approximately 12,977m3 in the Main Rural Zone under the Operative District Plan. The Council has determined that the application must be publicly notified in accordance with Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Applicant: Jack Brownlie Investments Limited.
Location: 68 Franklin Road, Bay View, Napier.
Legal Description: Lot 2 DP 22640.
Application number: RMS230061.
Type of Consent Applied for: Land Use and Subdivision – Non-Complying Activity.
The application includes an Assessment of Environmental Effects, including specialist reports. The application can be inspected at Napier City Council's Customer Service Centre, 215 Hastings Street, Napier, during office hours, or on the Resource Consent Application page here.
Chair: Rob van Voorthuysen
Hearing Panel: Richard Blakey and Annette Brosnan
Key dates as per the Hearing Schedule are:
Thursday 21st of November 2024 - Officers’ reports and any evidence provided due on this date.
4pm, Thursday 28th of November 2024 - The applicant must provide all its briefs of evidence due on this date.
Friday 29th of November 2024 - Any Submitter wishing to speak in Te Reo, utilise Sign Language, or utilise visual aids (PowerPoint, etc) they are requested to liaise directly with the Hearings Administrator due on this date.
4pm, Thursday 5th of December 2024 - Any submitter wishing to call expert witnesses at the hearing, such as from a professional planner or a traffic engineer, must provide their briefs of expert evidence due on this date.
4pm, Tuesday 10th of December 2024 - Any participant who intends to attend remotely (e.g. by way of Zoom), they must ensure that a copy of all written material that they will refer to or read from (including speaking notes) during their presentation is provided to the Hearings Administrator no later than this date.
4pm, Wednesday 11th of December 2024 - Applicant or any Submitters propose to have legal counsel present opening legal submissions, they are requested to provide those submissions to the Hearings Administrator no later than this date.
9am, Friday 13th December 2024 - Hearing for 68 Franklin Road begins at 9am Large Exhibition Hall, War Memorial Centre, Marine Parade.
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