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A comprehensive database of Napier's world-famous Art Deco buildings can be searched using the search tool below. It provides a range of information about the buildings including the architect, plans, photos and where records are held.
Napier's renowned Art Deco Heritage Buildings can be searched using the search tool above which will provide a range of information about the building including the architect, building plans, photos and where records are held. This information is invaluable for heritage researchers and provides a knowledge bank for future generations about Napier's heritage buildings following the devastating 1931 earthquake.
This information has been derived from the Art Deco Inventory (which is available in PDF format from the documents section below). The first edition of this document was published in 1991 and was compiled by Amanda Bulman and Tom Gill for the Art Deco Trust in association with the Napier City Council.
With the assistance of:
The Art Deco Trust acknowledges grants from:
The information contained in the inventory has been updated in 1997 and again in 2003 and will continue to be perodically updated as more research is carried out.
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz