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Dog Control Bylaw FAQs

Napier’s dogs have new places to exercise off the lead following the review of Napier City Council’s Dog Control Policy and Bylaw, which comes into effect on Saturday, 1 October.

Frequently asked questions on the upcoming changes


Will there be signs installed to identify what areas are dog exercise areas?

Yes. New and updated signs will be installed in the coming months.


What are the dates for the seasonal exclusions?

Between March to September dogs can be exercised off lead at the Esplanade Reserve, between Westshore and Bay View.


Is there a new caged dog park coming since the Taradale one has been closed?

The previous caged dog park will be reinstalled further along where the previous one was in due course.


Does this mean that unless there is a sign saying "dog exercise area", dogs have to be on lead?

This is correct. All areas within the city that are not designated exercise areas or prohibited areas are on-lead areas.


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