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1.1.2 Introduction Contents FS
1.1.3 Introduction Purpose FS
1.1.4 Introduction Description of the District FS
1.2.1 How the Plan Works Statutory Context FS
1.2.2 How the Plan Works General Approach FS
1.3.1 Interpretation Definitions
1.3.2 Interpretation Abbreviations FS
1.4.1 National Direction Instruments National Policy Statements and NZCPS FS
1.4.2 National Direction Instruments National Environmental Standards FS
1.5.1 Mana Whenua TW Tangata Whenua FS
2.1.0 Strategic Direction Overview FS
2.1.1 Strategic Direction Historic and Cultural Heritage FS
2.1.2 Strategic Direction Sustainability Resilience and Climate Change FS
2.1.3 Strategic Direction Tangata whenua FS
2.1.5 Strategic Direction Transport and Infrastructure Provision FS
2.1.6 Strategic Direction Urban Form and Development
2.2.1 FC Financial Contributions FS
2.3.1 Energy Infrastructure and Transport NU Network Utilities FS
2.3.2 Energy Infrastructure and Transport RE Renewable Energy FS
2.3.3 Energy Infrastructure and Energy Stormwater FS
2.3.4 Energy Infratructure and Transport Transport FS
2.4.1 Hazards and Risks GMO Genetically Modified Organisms FS
2.4.2 Hazards and Risks HAZS Hazardous substances
2.4.3 Hazards and Risks NH Natural Hazards FS
2.5.1 Historical and Cultural Values PKA Papakainga FS
2.5.10 Historical and Cultural Values OVR6 Tram Shelter Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.11 Historical and Cultural Values OVR7 Te Awa Bungalow Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.12 Historical and Cultural Values OVR8 Iron Pot Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.2 Historic and Cultural Values Historic Heritage FS
2.5.3 Historical and Cultural Values TREE Notable Trees FS
2.5.4 Historical and Cultural Values SOSM Sites of Significance to Maori FS
2.5.5 Historical and Cultural Values OVR1 Harbour Reserve Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.6 Historical and Cultural Values OVR2 Coronation Street Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.7 Historical and Cultural Values OVR3 Marewa Post War Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.8 Historical and Cultural Values OVR4 Marewa State Housing Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.5.9 Historical and Cultural Values OVR5 Napier South Historic Heritage Overlay FS
2.6.1 Natural Environment Values ECO Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity FS
2.6.2 Natural Environment Values NFL Natural Features and Landscape FS
2.6.3 Natural Enviromental Vaules PA Public Access FS
2.7.1 Subdivision SUB Subdivision FS
2.8.1 General District Wide Matters Activities on the Surface of Water FS
2.8.2 General District Wide Matters CE Coastal Environment FS
2.8.3 General District Wide Matters EW Earthworks FS
2.8.4 General District Wide Matters Light FS
2.8.5 General District Wide Matters NOISE Noise FS
2.8.6 General District Wide Matters Signs FS
2.8.7 General District Wide Matters Temporary Activities FS
3.1.1 Residential Zone General Residential Zone FS
3.1.2 Residential Zones Large Lot Residential Zone FS
3.1.3 Residential Zones MRZ Medium Density Residential Zone FS
3.1.4 Residential Zones HRZ High Density Residential Zone FS
3.1.5 Residential Zones PREC1 Harbour Reserve Amenity Precinct FS
3.1.6 Residential Zones PREC2 Mission Residential Precinct FS
3.1.7 Residential Zones PREC3 Napier Hill Mataruahou Amenity Precinct FS
3.2.2 Rural Zones RPROZ Rural Production Zone FS
3.2.3 Rural Zones Settlement Zone FS
3.2.4 Rural Zones RCA Rural Specific Control Area FS
3.2.5 Rural Zones Jervoistown Precinct FS
3.2.6 Rural Zones PREC5 Mission Landscape and Visitor Precinct FS
3.2.7 Rural Zones PREC6 Mission Productive Rural Precinct FS
3.2.8 Rural Zones PREC7 Mission Rural Residential Precinct FS
3.3.1 Commercial Zones NCZ Neighbourhood Centre Zone FS
3.3.2 Commercial Zones LCZ Local Centre Zone FS
3.3.3 Commercial Zones Large Format Retail Zone FS
3.3.4 Commercial Zones MUZ Mixed Use Zone FS
3.3.5 Commercial Zones TCZ Town Centre Zone FS
3.3.6 Commercial Zones CCZ City Centre Zone FS
3.3.7 Commercial Zones PREC8 Foreshore Commercial Precinct FS
3.3.8 Commercial Zones PREC9 Napier City Heritage Precinct FS
3.3.9 Commercial Zones PREC10 West Quay Waterfront Precinct FS
3.4.1 Industrial Zones Light Industrial Zone FS
3.4.2 Industrial Zones GIZ General Industrial Zone
3.5.1 Open Space and Recreation Zones NOSZ Natural Open Spaces Zone FS
3.5.2 Open Space and Recreation Zone OSZ Open Space Zone FS
3.5.3 Open Space and Recreation Zone SARZ Sport and Active Recreation Zone FS
3.6.1 Special Purpose Zones AESZ Te Whanganui a Orotu Ahuriri Estuary Ecology and Stormwater Treatment Zone FS
3.6.2 Special Purpose Zones AIRPZ Airport Zone FS
3.6.3 Special Purpose Zones BHZ Boat Harbour Zone FS
3.6.4 Special Purpose Zones MIZ Marine Industrial Zone FS
3.6.5 Special Purpose Zone MPZ Maori Purpose Zone FS
3.6.6 Special Purpose Zone PORTZ Port Zone FS
3.6.7 Special Purpose Zones STADZ Stadium Zone FS
3.6.8 Special Purpose Zones TEZ Tertiary Education Zone FS
3.6.9 Special Purpose Zones WTZ Wastewater Treatment Zone FS
3.7.1 Development Areas DEV1 Te Awa Development Area FS
3.7.2 Development areas DEV2 Wharerangi Road Development Area FS
3.7.3 Development Areas DEV3 Mission Development Area FS
3.8.12 Designations NZTA New Zealand Transport Agency FS
3.8.14 Designations TPR Transpower New Zealand Limited FS
3.8.2 Designations HBAL Hawkes Bay Airport Limited FS
3.8.4 Designations KRHL KiwiRail Holdings Limited FS
3.8.7 Designations MEDU Ministry of Education FS
4.1.1 Schedules Schedule of Notable Trees FS
4.1.2 Schedules SCHED2 Schedule of Natural Features and Landscapes FS
4.1.3 Schedules SCHED3 Historic heritage items
4.1.4 Schedules SCHED4 Historic Heritage Overlay and Precinct Schedule FS
4.1.5 Schedules SCHED5 Archeological Sites FS
4.1.6 Schedules SCHED6 Amenity Precinct Values and Attributes Statements FS
4.2.1 Appendices APP1 Airport Height Control Designation FS
4.2.12 Appendices APP12 Minimum Legal Widths of Access FS
4.2.13 Appendices APP13 Inner City Vehicle Levy FS
4.2.15 Appendices APP15 Financial Contributions Tables FS
4.2.16 Appendices APP16 Financial Contributions Areas FS
4.2.18 Appendices APP18 Roading Hierarchy FS
4.2.2 Appendices APP2 Redclyffe Substation 12m Setback FS
4.2.3 Appendices APP3 Access Sight Distance Lines FS
4.2.5a Appendices APP5a Port Noise Management Plan FS
4.2.5b Appendices APP5b Port Noise Mitigation Requirements FS
4.2.5c Appendices APP5c Port Noise Liaison Committee FS
4.2.7a Appendices Mission Special Character Zone Structure Plan Overall Map FS
4.2.7b Appendices APP7b Mission Special Character Zone Structure Plan Area Plan Map FS
General FS
Planning Maps FS

Napier City Council - Copyright © 2025 Napier City Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Napier City Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Napier City Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Napier City Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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