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Meet the Hearings Panel

Robert Schofield 

1Robert is an accredited Independent Commissioner, with over 35 years’ experience in planning. He has extensive experience in decision-making, sitting on over 80 hearings over the last 20 years, on a wide range of matters from proposed designations, resource consent applications, plan changes and joint applications before regional and local councils.  He has acted either as Sole Commissioner or Chair of Panels for many of those hearings.  Recently, for example, Robert was the Chair of the Hearing Panel for the Central Hawkes Bay District Plan.  Working in the private sector for most of his career, Robert has been involved in a wide range of policy and consenting matters.  He has also been involved in many District Plan reviews, including Tararua and Masterton, and was responsible for leading the preparation of New Zealand’s first combined District Plan, for the three Wairarapa territorial local authorities. 

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Robert Schofield


Annette Brosnan

8Annette Brosnan is in her 4th term as an elected member in the Onekawa / Tamatea ward and also serves at the city’s Deputy Mayor. Annette was first accredited as a hearings commissioner in 2010 and since then has sat on, and chaired a range of hearings across various legislation including the RMA.

Annettes career has included roles with the regional council, and the department of conservation, along with running her own trade business with her husband Greg in Napier. Annettes current roles include Chair of the Future Napier Committee, Chair of Hearings committee, chair of the CEO employment committee, Deputy Chair, Te Komiti Muriwai o Te Whanga, as well as Deputy Chair of Council.

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Annette Brosnan


Liz Lambert

6Liz Lambert is a former CEO and Group Manager for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and has over thirty years experience in local government. Currently the Executive Director for Te Uru Kahika, the collective of regional and unitary councils of Aotearoa New Zealand, she has a professional background in resource management in both the planning and regulatory areas.

As an independent hearings panelist Liz is on the Christchurch Hearings Panel and has previously worked for Tasman District Council and Central Hawkes Bay District Councils on notified resource consent applications for a range of activities.

Liz has lived in Napier for most of her working life.

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Liz Lambert


Rob van Voorthuysen

2Rob van Voorthuysen is an independent RMA hearings commissioner who has lived in Napier since 1992. 

Rob has acted as a hearing commissioner on a number of district plan reviews and plan changes around NZ; including in Whangarei, Horowhenua, Mackenzie District, Selwyn, Tasman, South Wairarapa, Taupo, Tauranga, Western Bay of Plenty, Whakatane and Whanganui.

He has qualifications in Natural Resources Engineering and Public Policy.

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Rob van Voorthuysen


Hayley Browne

5Hayley Browne is a dedicated advocate for sustainable decision-making as a second-term councillor in the Ahuriri Ward and a first-time hearings commissioner.

With a Bachelor’s in Chemical and Process Engineering, Hayley combines practicality and technical expertise with governance training, including RMA and Chair Certification.

Her diverse experience spans engineering, project management, winemaking and motherhood. Passionate about caring for our people and planet, she enjoys psychology, painting, travel, and fine wine. 

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Hayley Browne



Graeme Taylor

7Graeme is a passionate advocate for the natural environment. A fourth term councillor from the Taradale Ward. Graeme holds a Masters Degree in Management and has significant governance experience in the not for profit sector.

He recently renewed his RMA accreditation with the Chair endorsement.

He loves to travel and experience diverse cultures and cuisine.

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Graeme Taylor


Rauru Kirikiri

4Rauru Kirikiri is a Wellington based consultant specialising in a wide range of Māori issues.  He  is a fluent speaker (and orator), and writer of te reo Māori, and holds a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology.  Rauru has over 18 years experience as a resource consent commissioner, including several hearings in Hawke's Bay dating back to 2008.  His background also includes lecturing at the University of Auckland, working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a stint with Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, whilst serving on various boards and advisory panels (including the New Zealand Conservation Authority and the World Wildlife Fund). 

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Rauru Kirikiri

Reginald Proffitt 

3Director Pou Arataki (Maori) WSP in NZ
Board Member Te Kokiringa Taumata New Zealand Planning Institute
Ehara taku maunga a Hikurangi
He maunga nekeneke, he maunga tū tonu
My mountain Hikurangi does not move, it remains firm and steadfast

Reginald has extensive Commissioner and planning experience with a strong foundation in Te Ao Māori. As a Commissioner, he has worked on multiple applications across Aotearoa New Zealand. Reginald has held Commissioner Certification since 2007 and has Chair endorsement.

Reginald has held appointments on various plan and policy roles and resource consenting matters under the RMA, EEZ and Covid-19 Fast Track legislation. Reginald is past Chair of Te Kokiringa Taumata New Zealand Planning Institute previously was Chair of Papa Pounamu, and has a background working with Iwi/Māori in RMA matters.

His knowledge of Te Ao Maori (Maori worldview) compliments his planning expertise and as such he is actively sought after in resource management: legislative reform, policy development and consent authorisations as an Independent Hearing Commissioner, Planner, Advisor and Facilitator.

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form - Reginald Proffitt


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