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Opinions on future of Napier’s open spaces wanted 

Published: 31 October 2024

Parks and Reserves Sturms Gully Napier

Public views are being sought on the ways Napier’s open spaces are used, managed and protected.

Napier City Council earlier today adopted the draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan for consultation.

Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise believes Napier’s parks, playgrounds and public gardens are a big part of what makes Napier special.

“Our greenspaces are one of the many things our locals are very proud of in Napier and they are essential to us being a world-class visitor destination,” says Mayor Wise. “They also give us a setting for events, and a place to connect as a community.”

“Reserve Management Plans (RMPs) help ensure our open spaces meet the diverse needs of our community,” explains Mayor Wise. “There are many things that help shape the future of a reserve. Their history and their original reason for being are important to consider when planning for their future. It’s also very important to bring cultural links and considerations, as well as input from reserve users and the local community, into the conversation about how our greenspaces are managed.”

“We have a great network of parks, gardens, foreshore reserves and sporting facilities, and they are all covered in our Citywide RMP. We received great feedback in the initial stages of putting it together, now’s the time for us to nail the detail,” says Mayor Wise.

“It would be wonderful if, this summer, when Napier people are enjoying our wonderful gardens, taking a walk, even over the bbq or at the beach, they think about how they want our open spaces to be managed in the future.”

Once the final City Wide Reserve Management Plan has been adopted, detailed plans for individual reserves will be further developed. A hearing for submissions will be held in April 2025.

For more information about the consultation, from 8 November until 28 February, people should visit

For further details about the parks, reserves, playgrounds and sportsgrounds currently managed by Council, visit and search under Parks and Recreation.

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