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Published: 12 April 2022
Last Updated: 28 April 2022
Mayors and CEs representing the 32 member councils of Communities 4 Local Democracy He hapori mō te Manapori (C4LD) have presented politicians with their plan for three waters reform that could gain wide support.
The mayors presented their 10 point plan for reform to the Minister for Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta and Department of Internal Affairs officials, as well as Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and James Shaw, and Green MP Eugenie Sage. The group had already presented its models to the National Party and ACT.
Mayor Kirsten Wise joined the representatives in Wellington to advocate for an alternative model on behalf of the Napier community.
“The people of Napier have expressed concerns with the Government’s reform proposal. Reform of this magnitude shouldn’t be rushed through Parliament in the face of massive public and sector opposition, and with the barest minimum of public engagement and scrutiny”
“The Hawke’s Bay Councils have been working on a regional model since 2018 which we are confident will deliver better outcomes for our local communities. We demand the opportunity to present this model to our communities and seek their input into the future delivery of our three waters.”
“Our objectives align with those of Central Government and we are eager to work with them to find a lasting solution that we can all support,” said Kirsten Wise.
Manawatu District Mayor and C4LD Chair Helen Worboys said that the group is keen to work with all parties to ensure any reforms have the broad base of support needed for major long-term infrastructure investment.
“The proposals we’ve brought to the table enable the Government to deliver on all its aims, create opportunities for strong and lasting partnerships and deliver safe, sustainable and affordable water services for all New Zealand,” she said.
“They enable us build on existing partnerships and forge new relationships with Mana Whenua at a local level that consider co-design and partnership arrangements to acknowledge and enable Te Tiriti based pathways at a local and regional level.
“They also provide for the continuation of local influence and community property rights.
“We’re confident that we’re in line with the majority of New Zealanders. We’ve presented a reform framework that is directly supported by nearly half of councils in New Zealand and is aligned with the views of the majority of other councils, most notably Auckland representing 1.7 million people.”
The full presentation to the minister outlining C4LD’s framework for reform is now available at www.communities4localdemocracy.co.nz/ideas
C4LD’s 10 point proposal for compromise - supported by all members - reads:
10. A sector-wide sector best-practice improvement process be created and membership made compulsory. (In a similar manner used to implement successfully the One Network Road Classification Framework and now One Network Framework in the road infrastructure area, and governed by Waka Kotahi and the Local Government Sector.)
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