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Further changes to Napier speed limits proposed

Published: 23 June 2021

We want to know whether you think lowering the speed limit around schools and in the Napier CBD would be a positive move for our city.

Safety is the main reason we want to lower the speed limit around schools’ peak traffic times before and after school, to either 30 or 40 km/hkm/h, and drop the limit in the CBD to 30 km/h.

These are two of the three amendments to the Napier Speed Limit Bylaw 2012 which we are consulting on until 23 July through

Earlier this year the Government released a proposal to lower variable speed limits outside all urban schools to 30 km/h or 40 km/h, and outside all rural schools to 60 km/h, by 2030.

Our other proposed amendment is to permanently reduce the speed limit to 60 km/h on Springfield Road, from the Redclyffe Transfer Station and up to the Napier-Hastings council boundary.

We reduced the limit for this stretch of road from lockdown last year, and had positive feedback from residents and people working in the area.

Council initially consulted on the bylaw in 2018-19. Informal consultation last time allowed the community to suggest changes as well as comment on Council’s proposals.

Pausing the introduction of the proposed changes at that time has allowed for further investigation.

The 18 other proposed amendments, which affect a range of roads, are not being revisited. Council proposes reducing the speed limit from 100 to 80 km/h on most of Napier’s rural roads, the majority south of the urban area but including two in Bay View. The recommendation for those rural roads now regarded as more urban in nature is to reduce the limit to 50 km/h.

Data collected in the past few years shows that motorists can become complacent about sticking to the speed limit and properly observing their surroundings, says Councillor Keith Price, Sustainable Napier committee chairman. “Kids can be unpredictable when it comes to crossing roads, and we do have to bear in mind not all motorists are looking out for others. If there’s any way we can reduce the risk to the youngest members of our community, we should.”

If the speed limit is dropped in the CBD, we predict it will encourage more cyclists to travel through the area, he adds.

A public meeting is being held at 6pm on Wednesday 7 July at Pettigrew Green Arena for anyone who wishes to hear more about the proposals.

Submissions can be made until 5pm on 23 July to Say it Napier

These will be heard in September and the 2021 bylaw is expected to be adopted in October.

Hard copies of the proposals are available to view at the Customer Service Centre on Hastings Street, and Napier and Taradale Libraries.

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