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Enjoy a cuppa with a cop

Published: 30 September 2020

Last Updated: 2 October 2023

Coffee with a cop Oct 2019

Are there questions you always wanted to ask a cop but have never had the opportunity to ask?

Now’s your chance - Wednesday 7 October is International Coffee with a Cop Day. To mark the occasion NZ Police, Napier City Council and Safer Napier have joined forces to bring you our very own Coffee with a Cop event.

Pop along to one of the following locations between 10am and 11.30am to receive a voucher for a free coffee on site: Source Café, Taradale, Ajuna Eatery, Napier CBD, the Pie and Patty Pan Bakery, Marewa, the pop up at the Maraenui Shopping Centre (near the playground), Miss Brown’s Café, Ahuriri, Switch Coffee Roasters, Onekawa, or Sticky Café, at Pak’n Save Tamatea.

“The concept of coffee with a cop is a great opportunity for our officers to connect with our community in a more relaxed setting,” says Inspector Jeanette Park, Hawke’s Bay Area Commander.

“We look forward to meeting everyone, answering their questions and hearing their feedback.”

This is an opportunity for people to have easy access to the Police outside of a formal police station setting, which can be quite intimidating and difficult to access for some. Over a cuppa, people can discuss any questions or issues they may have with a police officer, get their top safety tips or find out more about what’s involved in becoming a part of the Police force in a relaxed environment.

The event was pioneered in California in 2011 to break down barriers between police officers and the community and received a positive response. Since then, it is held on the first Wednesday in October every year and is rolled out in over 15 countries, including in the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and across the ditch in Australia.

This is the third year it has been held in Napier.

For updates on the event, please visit our Facebook page or that of the Eastern District Police 

For more information about the international day, go to

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