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Napier Aquatic Centre Remediation

Napier Aquatic Centre in Onekawa is undergoing significant maintenance and refurbishment. The programme of works begins on 27 May 2024 and will last approximately twelve months.

What’s happening with building work at the Onekawa Pool?
We are undertaking a significant maintenance and refurbishment project at Napier Aquatic Centre. The programme of works began early in June 2024 and will last approximately twelve months. This is part of Napier City Council’s long-term planning, which flagged $4 million for essential maintenance on the facility’s buildings. This work is necessary to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all our pool users and our staff. Each building in the complex will have some work done to it and, depending on the condition and remediations, each stage will take three to four months to complete.

What’s happening now?
The Ivan Wilson side of our complex will be closed from Monday 10 February through to late April. We will be carrying out remedial work on walls, upgrading flooring and installing a new heat pump. We will also be making improvements to our reception desk. While this area is closed, we will undertake some remedial work including roof repairs and upgrades to the seating. A key improvement during this phase of the work programme is internal and external accessibility upgrades. The hydroslides will be closed during this time due to the amount of work happening in this area of the pool complex. This is a health and safety imperative due to construction dust and noise. 

Due to the nature and extent of the current works there are limited lanes available for lane swimming. Check up-to-date information on which lanes are open here.

Temporary Reception
From Monday 10 February, we will have a temporary reception set up through the Old Pool double doors. This is to the right of the normal reception doors. To access the temporary reception desk, walk down the driveway/path that leads to the netball courts and it is on the lefthand side. This temporary reception will be set up for approximately two weeks.

Groups and Teams
If you are part of a group and team who uses the pools regularly, we will give you notice of when your group will be affected and, if required, we can help with contacts for alternative facilities while the work takes place. We appreciate everyone’s support, understanding and patience as we complete this significant works programme.

Dust and Noise
Given the nature of the works, there will be some disruption including dust and noise. We will put measures in place to minimise these and thank you ahead of time for your patience and understanding while we complete this essential work.


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