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Te Aka design images

Images of the designs for Napier's new library, councillor meeting space, office accommodation and surrounding outdoor area.

Design Process - new library and councillor meeting space

The concept design for the library and governance facilities has taken shape through discussions with mana whenua, stakeholders, councillors and the future users of the facility and the surrounding outdoor area.

The design team considered the environmental, built, social, and economic context of Ahuriri. They then tested design options with NCC, mana whenua, stakeholders and the public (Say It Napier People's Panel) to gain feedback on the design ideas. Input from mana whenua has been very important to the concept design principles, including the cultural narrative and other design elements such as the selection of native plants to be included. 

The concept design was further refined after reviewing this feedback and identifying and addressing the key themes and issues raised.

The following images are proposals that are indicative of spaces and layout, at the concept design or developed design phases. The detailed design has yet to be completed. Click on the images to enlarge them.

Council office accommodation in Library Tower

Below are images of Council's office accommodation at the concept design stage. 


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