Current filter:
Community organisations can apply for three years of operational or project funding under a Partnership Agreement with Council.
Napier City Council provides funding for not-for-profit community and voluntary organisations that provide a social service to Napier residents, often in their time of need. For more information, please contact the Community Funding Advisor at csgrants@napier.govt.nz.
Smarty Grants is an online portal that allows grant makers to track their progress and receive notifications on upcoming grant opportunities, ensuring that they are always up-to-date with the latest information. Smarty Grants simplifies the grant application process, providing organisations, groups and individuals with access to a wide range of funding opportunities. This means applicants will now need to create a Smarty Grants profile to apply for funding.
No hard copy applications will be accepted, and no late applications will be considered.
For more information on Smarty Grants and how to sign up visit our Smarty Grants info page here.
The Three-Year Community Partnership Agreements fund is for community activities that are responsive to community needs and aspirations, which are delivered by organisations continuously or on a regular basis, and which contribute to the social, cultural, economic, environmental, and general community wellbeing of Napier City. Those organisations which receive partnership funding will already have robust processes in place for management and delivery, preferably with a strategic or business plan, and be able to demonstrate a clear track record of achievement.
For more information please see our Three-Year Community Partnership Agreement Guidelines here.
Council will enter into a strategic partnership with a small number of organisations that can demonstrate their activities contribute to Council’s strategic objectives. Council will be looking for the organisation to become more financially sustainable over time with a reducing contribution from Council. The applicant’s ability to raise funds from other sources will be key in assessing these partnership applications.
The fund is contestable and will allocate funding for three years at a time. After three years, applications will be called for and those organisations which have received funding, will need to reapply in a contestable context.
Priority will be given to:
Successful applicants who have been approved for a Three-Year Community Partnership Agreement will be required to submit a comprehensive written accountability report through our online portal by logging into your Smarty Grants account. These reports must be completed and submitted in July each year. These applicants will also be required to make a presentation to Council each year.
Successful applicants will be asked to submit a full application for consideration by Council. For this funding round, Agreements will be in place by 1 July 2025.
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
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© Napier City Council - www.napier.govt.nz / +64 6 835 7579 / info@napier.govt.nz